Late 19th Century Antique Textiles and Embroidery

Found 92 For Sale and Sold    ( 23 for sale  69 sold )  
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Arts & Crafts Embroidery (British C.1910)  Arts & Crafts Embroidery (British C.1910)Radnorshire Fine Arts Ltd American Beadwork Pin Cushion£150 $189.83   €180.81 American Beadwork Pin CushionNewsum Antiques A C19 Aesthetic Silk Embroidered Tablecloth £275 $348.01   €331.49 A C19 Aesthetic Silk Embroidered Tablecloth Alienor Victorian Woolwork Sampler  Victorian Woolwork SamplerHavard And Havard
Arts And Crafts Nursery Tapestry  Arts And Crafts Nursery TapestryArt Furniture Antique Embroidered Silk Panel, Chinese, Framed£695 $879.52   €837.75 Antique Embroidered Silk Panel, Chinese, FramedLondon Fine Antiques Fabulous Period Arts & Crafts Curtains 8ft X2 Ft  Fabulous Period Arts & Crafts Curtains 8ft X2 FtAntique Rarities Pair Of Antique Bone Handled Religious Pennants£57.00 $72.13   €68.71 Pair Of Antique Bone Handled Religious PennantsTerrier Antiques
Victorian Framed Naval Embroidery£195 $246.77   €235.05 Victorian Framed Naval EmbroideryWorboys Antiques And Clocks Victorian Embroidered  Needlework Tea Cosy, C1880£100 $126.55   €120.54 Victorian Embroidered Needlework Tea Cosy, C1880Forte Antiques York Victorian Sailors Sweetheart Cushion Love Token  Victorian Sailors Sweetheart Cushion Love TokenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Welsh Sampler£145 $183.5   €174.78 Welsh SamplerMouse House Antiques
Needlework Sampler Dated 1886.£130 $164.52   €156.7 Needlework Sampler Dated 1886.Spectrum Antiques Avery Beatrice Accordion 6 Fold Needle Case£125.00 $158.19   €150.68 Avery 'Beatrice' Accordion 6 Fold Needle CaseAbergavenny Antiques 19th Century Alphabet Sampler In Original Frame £385 $487.22   €464.08 19th Century Alphabet Sampler In Original Frame Rams Head Antiques 2 X Victorian Samplers By M Newcombe£30 $37.97   €36.16 2 X Victorian Samplers By M NewcombeAlan Eady Antiques
19th.c. Log Cabin Patchwork Bedspread C.1880.£1195 $1512.27   €1440.45 19th.c. Log Cabin Patchwork Bedspread C.1880.Collinge Antiques 19th Century Woolwork Sampler Ada Rayner 1869£225 $284.74   €271.22 19th Century Woolwork Sampler Ada Rayner 1869Rams Head Antiques Antique Sewing Sampler French/Belgian C.1900£90 $113.9   €108.49 Antique Sewing Sampler French/Belgian C.1900Textiles And Stuff Victorian Needlework Of A Dog  Victorian Needlework Of A DogPrometheus Antiques
Antique Scottish Woven Curtains   Antique Scottish Woven Curtains Paul Michael Farnham Large Welsh Needlework Sampler C1883  Large Welsh Needlework Sampler C1883Welsh Vernacular Antiques Victorian Beadwork Teapot Stand £40 $50.62   €48.22 Victorian Beadwork Teapot Stand Alan Eady Antiques Arts & Crafts Embroidery. The Daisy Chain  Arts & Crafts Embroidery. The Daisy ChainRed House Antiques
Charming Edwardian Pin Cushion - Owl - Glass Eyes   Charming Edwardian Pin Cushion - Owl - Glass Eyes Puckerings Antiques Victorian Woolwork Flower Arrangement Centrepiece  Victorian Woolwork Flower Arrangement CentrepiecePrometheus Antiques 19th C. Chinese Wool Work Picture  19th C. Chinese Wool Work PictureThomas Crabb Antiques Beautiful 19th Century Norwich Shawl   Throw  Beautiful 19th Century Norwich Shawl ThrowWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
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