English Vintage Technology
Found 400 For Sale and Sold ( 72 for sale 328 sold )
$366.8 €352.02
Sampson Mordan Military Compass Select Antiques
$366.8 €352.02
Antique English WW1 Military Issued Compass - 1915Puckerings Antiques
$590.62 €566.82
WWI 1917 British Army Officer's Compass & CasePuckerings Antiques
$366.8 €352.02
Murphy 146 RadiogramPelican Antiques
$348.15 €334.12
Optical Works London Scientific MirrorDaryl Yeates Antiques
$3668.03 €3520.24
Static Steam Engine Scratch Built Circa 1920’sSovereign Antiques
$1485.86 €1425.99
Antique Wool Winder Stand, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques
$230.03 €220.76
Edwardian Silver Gilt Pendant CompassJeff Sims Antiques
$1865.1 €1789.95
Gramophone With Horn Oak Cased Circa 1920’sSovereign Antiques
$161.64 €155.13
Degrave Of London ScalesMemento Mori
$988.5 €948.67
Liberty Gramophone 1920’S Table Top ModelSovereign Antiques
$2175.95 €2088.28
Horn Gramophone Sovereign Antiques
$2300.29 €2207.61
HMV Horn Gramophone Sovereign Antiques
$988.5 €948.67
Large Merchants Iron & Brass ScaleBrian Knapp Antiques
$1865.1 €1789.95
Horn Gramophone 1920’sSovereign Antiques
$578.18 €554.88
Victorian Postal Scales And Weights By S.Mordan Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$192.73 €184.96
Antique English Folding Brass Compass C.1910Puckerings Antiques
$820.64 €787.58
Victorian Watson Binocular MicroscopeNewark Antiques And Interiors
$223.81 €214.79
Baker, London Monocular MicroscopeSaltwood Antiques
$1610.2 €1545.32
Antique Cased Microscope, English, ScientificLondon Fine Antiques
$447.62 €429.59
Victorian Cast Iron And Brass Book PressJames R Millington Antiques
$366.8 €352.02
Antique English Mahogany Cased Compass By StanleyPuckerings Antiques
$24.87 €23.87
Ademco Vigil Slide Projector – Original Not TestedVintage Tech Studio
$1554.25 €1491.63
Georgian Wall Thermometer By Cox Of Plymouth DockJason Clarke Antiques
$932.55 €894.98
Art Deco RadioSovereign Antiques
$1237.18 €1187.33
Set Of Victorian Brass Beam ScalesChurch Street Antiques
$223.81 €214.79
A Royal Air Force P10 Aircraft Compass No. 23145 TElmgarden
$1485.86 €1425.99
Antique Cased Microscope, English, ScientificLondon Fine Antiques