Antique Oil Paintings
Found 8363 For Sale and Sold ( 2730 for sale 5633 sold )
$1827 €1773.83
British Hunting Oil Painting Dog Carrying DuckCheshire Antiques Consultant
Pair Of 19th Century Portraits - Husband & Wife.Harrington Antiques
$7074.23 €6868.38
Oil Painting Of A GolferGeorgian Antiques
WWI Portrait Oil Maj.General Austro-Hungarian ArmyStudio RT Ltd
$1224.15 €1188.53
Good Mid Victorian Oil Painting Still Life FlowersRams Head Antiques
19th Century Oil Donkeys By W Marshall 1875Christopher Tombs Ltd
Victorian Roses Still Life Oil On Canvas Painting Founders Antiques
Early 19th Century Folk Art Oil On Canvas PaintingDaryl Yeates Antiques
Gerard Sutcliffe 19th C. Marine Oil Sail & SteamStudio RT Ltd
Gerard Sutcliffe 19th C. Marine Oil Sunset ReturnStudio RT Ltd
$1673.21 €1624.52
Oil Painting Bouquet Flowers By Elizabeth RouviereCheshire Antiques Consultant
Large 19thC Oil On Canvas - Grandmother & Child.Harrington Antiques
$713.57 €692.81
The Old Mill, Moonrise. Frederick Milner Paperelephant
1960s Abstract Oil Painting By Gerald FrenchMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
$1470.21 €1427.43
Large Oil On Canvas Painting Artwork Hubert HaiderPrior And Willis Antiques
$2454.45 €2383.03
Very Large Oil On Canvas Painting Artwork CirclePrior And Willis Antiques
$1470.21 €1427.43
Large Oil On Canvas Painting Artwork CirclePrior And Willis Antiques
$978.09 €949.63
Large Oil On Canvas Painting Artwork Darren SmithPrior And Willis Antiques
$1845.45 €1791.75
Impressionism Oil Painting Cute Feline Cornish CatsCheshire Antiques Consultant
$1045.76 €1015.33
Oil Painting - Unloading Cargo On The Beach Joel OwenJohn Nicholson Fine Art
$1045.76 €1015.33
Sailing Boats Off The Cliffs Joel OwenJohn Nicholson Fine Art
$8612.1 €8361.5
Oil Painting Crossing To Skye Clarkson Stanfield Cheshire Antiques Consultant
Late 18th/Early 19th Century Oval Portrait Of GirlHarrington Antiques
Kittens Oil On Glass Panel Bessie BamberDesdemona Postlethwaite Antiques
American Oil Painting Raquette Lake, New York Prometheus Antiques
Victorian Oil Painting Of Horses By H Jones.Prometheus Antiques
Large Victorian Hunting Scene Oil PaintingPrometheus Antiques
$1039.6 €1009.35
Scottish Marine Oil Painting Fishing Boats On TayCheshire Antiques Consultant