Scottish Animal Paintings

Found 52 For Sale and Sold    ( 14 for sale  38 sold )  
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Longhorn Cattle Highlands By Gustave De Brianski£7200 $9281.52   €8580.24 Longhorn Cattle Highlands By Gustave De BrianskiCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Rough Collie Dog Oil Painting By Colin Graeme Roe£3900 $5027.49   €4647.63 Rough Collie Dog Oil Painting By Colin Graeme RoeCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting Highland Cattle By David Cameron£5000 $6445.5   €5958.5 Oil Painting Highland Cattle By David CameronCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting Winter Monarch Of The Glen Stag Loch Fyne £3200 $4125.12   €3813.44 Oil Painting Winter Monarch Of The Glen Stag Loch Fyne Cheshire Antiques Consultant
Victorian Oil Painting Wild Stag In Loch Lomond£3200 $4125.12   €3813.44 Victorian Oil Painting Wild Stag In Loch LomondCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting Friesian Cow By George Smith RSA£5000 $6445.5   €5958.5 Oil Painting Friesian Cow By George Smith RSACheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting 2 Setter Gun Dogs By Colin Graeme Roe£4900 $6316.59   €5839.33 Oil Painting 2 Setter Gun Dogs By Colin Graeme RoeCheshire Antiques Consultant The Upland Waterfall John Falconer Slater£1250.00 $1611.38   €1489.63 The Upland Waterfall John Falconer SlaterJohn Nicholson Fine Art
Cattle In Water Meadow Attributed William Fleming £1685 $2172.13   €2008.01 Cattle In Water Meadow Attributed William Fleming Cheshire Antiques Consultant Feeding The Calves By George Smith RSA£1650.00 $2127.02   €1966.31 Feeding The Calves By George Smith RSAJohn Nicholson Fine Art 19th Century Scottish Dog Print By Lizars Sc£30.00 $38.67   €35.75 19th Century Scottish Dog Print By Lizars ScMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Harvesting By George Smith RSA£1450.00 $1869.2   €1727.97 Harvesting By George Smith RSAJohn Nicholson Fine Art
"Time For Home"Oil On Board£245.00 $315.83   €291.97 "Time For Home"Oil On BoardJWS Art Deerhound - Lurcher£475 $612.32   €566.06 Deerhound - LurcherDavid South Antiques Scottish Portrait Horse Painting  Scottish Portrait Horse PaintingMillers Antiques Of Wooler Scottish Oil Painting Prized Cows£2500 $3222.75   €2979.25 Scottish Oil Painting Prized CowsCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
Loch Etive Argyll & Bute By Alfred De Breanski£8000 $10312.8   €9533.6 Loch Etive Argyll & Bute By Alfred De BreanskiCheshire Antiques Consultant Pair Of Large 19th Century Framed Red Deer Stags   Pair Of Large 19th Century Framed Red Deer Stags Elmgarden Watercolour Salmon Fish Caught River Spey 34lb£4000 $5156.4   €4766.8 Watercolour Salmon Fish Caught River Spey 34lbCheshire Antiques Consultant James Cassie, Herring Fleet Kincardineshire Coast £800 $1031.28   €953.36 James Cassie, Herring Fleet Kincardineshire Coast Affordable Arts
 Scottish Painting Golden Eagle By Ralston Gudgeon£1200 $1546.92   €1430.04 Scottish Painting Golden Eagle By Ralston GudgeonCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting Hunting Man 4 Lurcher Dogs Highlands£2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 Oil Painting Hunting Man 4 Lurcher Dogs HighlandsCheshire Antiques Consultant Dog Oil Painting Of A Pointer By Thomas Paterson  Dog Oil Painting Of A Pointer By Thomas PatersonPrometheus Antiques Dog Oil Painting Of A Red Setter By Tom Paterson  Dog Oil Painting Of A Red Setter By Tom PatersonPrometheus Antiques
Dog Oil Painting Of A Sussex Spaniel By Tom Paterson  Dog Oil Painting Of A Sussex Spaniel By Tom PatersonPrometheus Antiques Victorian Oil Painting Robert Watson 1856-1920 £1350 $1740.29   €1608.8 Victorian Oil Painting Robert Watson 1856-1920 Rams Head Antiques Victorian Oil Painting Robert Watson£1350 $1740.29   €1608.8 Victorian Oil Painting Robert WatsonRams Head Antiques Gouache Greyhounds Racing Signed Wendy Wood £1000 $1289.1   €1191.7 Gouache Greyhounds Racing Signed Wendy Wood Cheshire Antiques Consultant
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