Antique Locks, Keys and Safes

Antique locks, keys, safes, strongboxes and the Locksmith's craft

Found 201 For Sale and Sold    ( 51 for sale  150 sold )  
Nuremberg Armada Chest On Stand£5500 $6982.25   €6646.2 Nuremberg Armada Chest On StandCheltenham House Antiques Small Dutch Armada Chest£3995 $5071.65   €4827.56 Small Dutch Armada ChestCheltenham House Antiques Dutch Armada Chest£7000 $8886.5   €8458.8 Dutch Armada ChestCheltenham House Antiques 17th Century English Oak Strong Box C. 1640£1650 $2094.68   €1993.86 17th Century English Oak Strong Box C. 1640Webberley Antiques
Edwardian Safe By A.P. Jordan & Co £450 $571.28   €543.78 Edwardian Safe By A.P. Jordan & Co Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors Victorian Polished Cast Iron Safe By Whitfields£1250 $1586.88   €1510.5 Victorian Polished Cast Iron Safe By WhitfieldsLT Antiques Superb Antique Watch Or Jewellery Safe Cabinet£3500 $4443.25   €4229.4 Superb Antique Watch Or Jewellery Safe CabinetJohn Howkins Antiques Antique Dutch Armada Chest 1588-1600.£6995 $8880.15   €8452.76 Antique Dutch Armada Chest 1588-1600.Cheltenham House Antiques
Victorian Polished Iron Safe£1650 $2094.68   €1993.86 Victorian Polished Iron SafeLT Antiques Victorian Polished Cast Iron Strong Box Safe£1250 $1586.88   €1510.5 Victorian Polished Cast Iron Strong Box SafeLT Antiques Museum Quality C.1680-1720 German Safe Strongbox£120000 $152340   €145008 Museum Quality C.1680-1720 German Safe StrongboxWimbledon Furniture Ltd 19th Century Strongbox With Working Lock£195 $247.55   €235.64 19th Century Strongbox With Working LockTanglewood Antiques
Chinese Lock Brass 1830 With Jade Very Ornate£245 $311.03   €296.06 Chinese Lock Brass 1830 With Jade Very OrnateTrade Antiques Victorian Iron Rim Lock & Brass Door Knobs £260.00 $330.07   €314.18 Victorian Iron Rim Lock & Brass Door Knobs Old Bakery Antiques Victorian Iron Rim Lock & Brass Door Knobs £280.00 $355.46   €338.35 Victorian Iron Rim Lock & Brass Door Knobs Old Bakery Antiques An Impressive  19th Century  Armada Silver Chest£395 $501.45   €477.32 An Impressive 19th Century 'Armada' Silver ChestLincolnshire Antiques
Antique Strong Box, English, Brass, Bronze£1295 $1644   €1564.88 Antique Strong Box, English, Brass, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Sterling Silver Football Keyring By Tiffany & Co.£160.00 $203.12   €193.34 Sterling Silver Football Keyring By Tiffany & Co.D.J. Massey And Son Antique Mail Carriage Strong Box, English, Oak£2450 $3110.28   €2960.58 Antique Mail Carriage Strong Box, English, OakLondon Fine Antiques Antique Iron Padlock £81 $102.83   €97.88 Antique Iron Padlock Select Antiques
Armada Chest Multi Locking 1630 German 2 Keys£2650 $3364.18   €3202.26 Armada Chest Multi Locking 1630 German 2 KeysTrade Antiques Collection Of Antique Keys£145 $184.08   €175.22 Collection Of Antique KeysKernow Furniture Large Antique Church Door Key£145 $184.08   €175.22 Large Antique Church Door KeyKernow Furniture English Country House Or Ships Oak Strong Box     £1295 $1644   €1564.88 English Country House Or Ships Oak Strong Box Robert Belcher Antiques
17th.c. Nuremberg Or Ausburg \"armada\" Iron Chest£1700 $2158.15   €2054.28 17th.c. Nuremberg Or Ausburg \"armada\" Iron ChestJohn Howkins Antiques A Brass And Copper Mounted Chest Or Strongbox £725 $920.39   €876.09 A Brass And Copper Mounted Chest Or Strongbox Robert Belcher Antiques Victorian Safe And Cabinet£1785 $2266.06   €2156.99 Victorian Safe And CabinetWitch Antiques Coach Leather Bound Strong Box£975 $1237.76   €1178.19 Coach Leather Bound Strong BoxSovereign Antiques