Antique Ceramics

Found 16374 For Sale and Sold    ( 4385 for sale  11989 sold )  
Wonderful Pair Of Antique Japanese Imari Vases£795 $1028.97   €947.64 Wonderful Pair Of Antique Japanese Imari VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Quality Antique Japanese Imari Charger £525 $679.51   €625.8 Quality Antique Japanese Imari Charger Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Outstanding Trio Of Antique Japanese Imari Plates£1195 $1546.69   €1424.44 Outstanding Trio Of Antique Japanese Imari PlatesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Chinese Elephant Garden Seat Ceramic£485 $627.74   €578.12 Antique Chinese Elephant Garden Seat CeramicRams Head Antiques
Antique Pair Chinese Nodding Heads Porcelain£225 $291.22   €268.2 Antique Pair Chinese Nodding Heads PorcelainRams Head Antiques A Pair Of Staffordshire Greyhounds C1880.£135 $174.73   €160.92 A Pair Of Staffordshire Greyhounds C1880.F10 Antiques A Pair Of Staffordshire Cushion Dogs. Circa 1850.£165 $213.56   €196.68 A Pair Of Staffordshire Cushion Dogs. Circa 1850.F10 Antiques A Pair Of Staffordshire Flatback Curly Coat Dogs.£125 $161.79   €149 A Pair Of Staffordshire Flatback Curly Coat Dogs.F10 Antiques
Trio Of Vintage Pie Chimneys, English, Ceramic£95 $122.96   €113.24 Trio Of Vintage Pie Chimneys, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Bonbon Bowl, English, Ceramic£295 $381.82   €351.64 Vintage Bonbon Bowl, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Decorative Sugar Bowl, English, Ceramic£195 $252.39   €232.44 Vintage Decorative Sugar Bowl, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Decorative Pouring Ewer, English, Ceramic£295 $381.82   €351.64 Vintage Decorative Pouring Ewer, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques
Unusual Quality Antique Japanese Imari Bowl £425 $550.08   €506.6 Unusual Quality Antique Japanese Imari Bowl Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Fine Antique Japanese Blue And White Imari Charger£465 $601.85   €554.28 Fine Antique Japanese Blue And White Imari ChargerUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Magnificent Pair Of Large Antique Doulton Vases£1295 $1676.12   €1543.64 Magnificent Pair Of Large Antique Doulton VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Personal Tea Set, Chinese, Qing Dynasty£1295 $1676.12   €1543.64 Antique Personal Tea Set, Chinese, Qing DynastyLondon Fine Antiques
 Quality Pair Of Antique Japanese Imari Chargers £1125 $1456.09   €1341 Quality Pair Of Antique Japanese Imari Chargers Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Victorian Minton Majolica Hogarth Girl & Boy£485 $627.74   €578.12 Pair Victorian Minton Majolica Hogarth Girl & BoyThe Fancy Fox Good Pair Od Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Vases£345 $446.53   €411.24 Good Pair Od Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain VasesRams Head Antiques Pretty Pair Of Quality Antique Royal Doulton Vases£375 $485.36   €447 Pretty Pair Of Quality Antique Royal Doulton VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Rare Bloor Derby Porcelain Figure The Scotsman 378£385 $498.31   €458.92 Rare Bloor Derby Porcelain Figure The Scotsman 378The Fancy Fox Crown Derby King Street Porcelain Pot Pourri Vase£175 $226.5   €208.6 Crown Derby King Street Porcelain Pot Pourri VaseThe Fancy Fox Unusual Quality Antique Japanese Imari Charger £675 $873.65   €804.6 Unusual Quality Antique Japanese Imari Charger Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Fantastic Large Pair Of Japanese Imari Vases£895 $1158.4   €1066.84 Fantastic Large Pair Of Japanese Imari VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Chinese Dishes£220 $284.75   €262.24 Chinese DishesAylmer Fine Art Chinese Blue And White £140 $181.2   €166.88 Chinese Blue And White Aylmer Fine Art Large Antique Custard Pouring Jug, English£395 $511.25   €470.84 Large Antique Custard Pouring Jug, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Coalport Matched Pair Of Ewers One Signed Plant£1150 $1488.45   €1370.8 Coalport Matched Pair Of Ewers One Signed PlantPeter Marsh Fine Ceramics
