Antique Ceramics

Found 16377 For Sale and Sold    ( 4384 for sale  11993 sold )  
Masons Ironstone Slop Bucket£195 $252.39   €232.44 Masons Ironstone Slop BucketKernow Furniture Japanese Kutani Sleeping Cats£185 $239.45   €220.52 Japanese Kutani Sleeping CatsKernow Furniture Wonderful Creamware Jug And Bowl£495 $640.68   €590.04 Wonderful Creamware Jug And BowlFernyhough Antiques Crown Dresden Bonbonière£159.00 $205.79   €189.53 Crown Dresden BonbonièreSunnyside Antiques
Coffee Set -Chintz- Royal Winton Chintz£895.00 $1158.4   €1066.84 Coffee Set -Chintz- Royal Winton ChintzSunnyside Antiques Orange Studio Pottery Vase£245 $317.1   €292.04 Orange Studio Pottery VaseWillows Antiques & Interiors Canton Famille Rose Vase£165 $213.56   €196.68 Canton Famille Rose VaseVladds Interiors Vintage Oval Flower Vase, Spanish, Hand Painted£595 $770.11   €709.24 Vintage Oval Flower Vase, Spanish, Hand PaintedLondon Fine Antiques
David Lloyd - Jones Studio Pottery Large Charger£295 $381.82   €351.64 David Lloyd - Jones Studio Pottery Large ChargerTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts  FRENCH IRONSTONE PITCHER Early 20th Century.£160.00 $207.09   €190.72 FRENCH IRONSTONE PITCHER Early 20th Century.DecorativeEclectic Vintage Decorative Baluster Urn, Chinese, Ceramic£695 $899.54   €828.44 Vintage Decorative Baluster Urn, Chinese, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Afternoon Tea Set, French, Ceramic, Cups£695 $899.54   €828.44 Vintage Afternoon Tea Set, French, Ceramic, CupsLondon Fine Antiques
Pair Victorian Ceramic Pedestals£595 $770.11   €709.24 Pair Victorian Ceramic PedestalsFernyhough Antiques Quality Antique Japanese Imari Plate £275 $355.93   €327.8 Quality Antique Japanese Imari Plate Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Vintage Wedgwood Footed Tazza£49.00 $63.42   €58.41 Vintage Wedgwood Footed TazzaYore Antiques Beautiful Coalport Lidded Vase C 1900£220.00 $284.75   €262.24 Beautiful Coalport Lidded Vase C 1900Goodwin Antiques
Carlton Ware Blush Ivory Vases£130 $168.26   €154.96 Carlton Ware Blush Ivory VasesFrontsideout Watcombe Terracotta Lidded Pot£180 $232.97   €214.56 Watcombe Terracotta Lidded PotArt Design Antique Large Clarice Cliff Plate£145 $187.67   €172.84 Large Clarice Cliff PlateRecess Antiques Clarice Cliff Pink Pearls Side Plate£145 $187.67   €172.84 Clarice Cliff Pink Pearls Side PlateRecess Antiques
Pair Of Antique Victorian Porcelain Vases£795 $1028.97   €947.64 Pair Of Antique Victorian Porcelain VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Wedgewood Jardinere£295 $381.82   €351.64 Large Wedgewood JardinereFernyhough Antiques Wonderful Cheese Dish£295 $381.82   €351.64 Wonderful Cheese DishFernyhough Antiques Super Quality Jardinere On Stand£595 $770.11   €709.24 Super Quality Jardinere On StandFernyhough Antiques
Royal Worcester Blush Ivory Jug£165 $213.56   €196.68 Royal Worcester Blush Ivory JugBridgend Antiques Pair Small Royal Doulton Vases£120 $155.32   €143.04 Pair Small Royal Doulton VasesBridgend Antiques Large Pair Of Royal Doulton Vases.£175 $226.5   €208.6 Large Pair Of Royal Doulton Vases.Bridgend Antiques Vintage Phrenology Head Ornament, English, Ceramic£695 $899.54   €828.44 Vintage Phrenology Head Ornament, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques
