Antique Ceramics

Found 16377 For Sale and Sold    ( 4383 for sale  11994 sold )  
Clarice Cliff Capri Orange Conical Sugar Sifter£595 $770.11   €709.24 Clarice Cliff Capri Orange Conical Sugar SifterRecess Antiques Large Antique Victorian Ridgway & Sons Quality Jug£245 $317.1   €292.04 Large Antique Victorian Ridgway & Sons Quality JugUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Antique Japanese Quality Imari Plates £370 $478.89   €441.04 Pair Of Antique Japanese Quality Imari Plates London City Antiques Vintage Serving Bowl, English, Ceramic, Dish£395 $511.25   €470.84 Vintage Serving Bowl, English, Ceramic, DishLondon Fine Antiques
Limoges Le Tallec, Paris Porcelain Box, Gilt£155 $200.62   €184.76 Limoges Le Tallec, Paris Porcelain Box, GiltJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Sunning Quality Antique Royal Doulton Jardiniere £985 $1274.89   €1174.12 Sunning Quality Antique Royal Doulton Jardiniere Unique Antiques By Emma Jade German Handarbeit Studio Pottery Stoneware Jug£29.50 $38.18   €35.16 German Handarbeit Studio Pottery Stoneware JugJohn Austin Antiques Bjorn Wiinblad, Rosenthal Porcelain Romanze Vase£47.50 $61.48   €56.62 Bjorn Wiinblad, Rosenthal Porcelain Romanze VaseJohn Austin Antiques
Tall Pair Of Vintage Satsuma Vases, Japanese£1195 $1546.69   €1424.44 Tall Pair Of Vintage Satsuma Vases, JapaneseLondon Fine Antiques Crown Derby Frog.£65 $84.13   €77.48 Crown Derby Frog.Vladds Interiors Kensington Ware Sunflower Jug£40 $51.77   €47.68 Kensington Ware Sunflower JugVladds Interiors Sylvac Pixie And Bunny Planters£50 $64.72   €59.6 Sylvac Pixie And Bunny PlantersVladds Interiors
Antique Japanese Satsuma Three Piece Tea Set£420 $543.61   €500.64 Antique Japanese Satsuma Three Piece Tea SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Unusual Large Antique Staffordshire Figure £295 $381.82   €351.64 Unusual Large Antique Staffordshire Figure Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Clarice Cliff Crocus Beehive Honey Pot£425 $550.08   €506.6 Clarice Cliff Crocus Beehive Honey PotRecess Antiques Quality Antique Japanese 19th Century Bowl £365 $472.42   €435.08 Quality Antique Japanese 19th Century Bowl Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Fantastic Quality Antique Doulton Lambeth Vase £425 $550.08   €506.6 Fantastic Quality Antique Doulton Lambeth Vase Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Unusual Antique Bargeware Tea Pot £425 $550.08   €506.6 Large Unusual Antique Bargeware Tea Pot Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Burmantofts Sang De Beouf Vase £650 $841.3   €774.8 Burmantofts Sang De Beouf Vase Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Troika Cylinder Vase£275 $355.93   €327.8 Troika Cylinder VaseRecess Antiques
Clarice Cliff Capri Tea Plate£195 $252.39   €232.44 Clarice Cliff Capri Tea PlateRecess Antiques Clarice Cliff Delecia Peaches Octagonal Plate Rare£225 $291.22   €268.2 Clarice Cliff Delecia Peaches Octagonal Plate RareRecess Antiques Art Nouveau Burmantofts Candlesticks £290 $375.35   €345.68 Art Nouveau Burmantofts Candlesticks Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Clarice Cliff Orange Trees & House Bowl£695 $899.54   €828.44 Clarice Cliff Orange Trees & House BowlRecess Antiques
Faience Monteith, Italian, Nove, Floral, 28cm Wide£175 $226.5   €208.6 Faience Monteith, Italian, Nove, Floral, 28cm WideJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Fantastic Quality Antique Doulton Lambeth £425 $550.08   €506.6 Fantastic Quality Antique Doulton Lambeth Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Royal Vienna Centrepiece And Side Vases £995 $1287.83   €1186.04 Antique Royal Vienna Centrepiece And Side Vases Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Antique Quality Relief Moulded Jug £345 $446.53   €411.24 Large Antique Quality Relief Moulded Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
