Mid 20th Century Antique Spelter

Found 37058 For Sale and Sold    ( 6342 for sale  30716 sold )  
Old  Composition Stone Swan Planter£57.00 $73.48   €67.93 Old Composition Stone Swan PlanterDebden Antiques And Interiors Salad ServersRESERVED £55 $70.9   €65.54 Salad ServersRESERVED Baildon Furniture Company Ltd Pair Of 1940s Brown Leather Armchairs  Pair Of 1940's Brown Leather ArmchairsMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Edwardian Walnut Double Chair End Sofa£345 $444.74   €411.14 Edwardian Walnut Double Chair End SofaLavender Hill Antiques
Study Of A Ballerina By Paul Lucien Maze£545.00 $702.56   €649.48 Study Of A Ballerina By Paul Lucien MazeDoe And Hope Round Art Deco Mirror  Round Art Deco MirrorLedger Brothers Antiques Reynolds Yew Coffee Table£95.00 $122.46   €113.21 Reynolds Yew Coffee TableAntiques And Interiors Set Six Oak Chairs.£150 $193.37   €178.76 Set Six Oak Chairs.Baildon Furniture Company Ltd
Doulton & Beswick Porcelain Dogs  Doulton & Beswick Porcelain DogsMansion House Antiques Italian Ornate Composition Mirror  Italian Ornate Composition MirrorO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Heals Oak Bedside Cabinets £650 $837.92   €774.61 Pair Of Heal's Oak Bedside Cabinets Georgian Antiques Liberty & Co Hexagonal Book Table£420.00 $541.42   €500.51 Liberty & Co Hexagonal Book TableAntiques And Interiors
Cotswold Style Gateleg Table£995.00 $1282.65   €1185.74 Cotswold Style Gateleg TableAntiques And Interiors Heals Oak Sideboard£695.00 $895.92   €828.23 Heals Oak SideboardAntiques And Interiors 1950s Football Table  1950s Football TableEras Of Style WWII 1938 Silver Guilloche RAF Compact£295.00 $380.28   €351.55 WWII 1938 Silver Guilloche RAF CompactLavender Hill Antiques
1940s CC4 Utility 2 Piece Suit£85.00 $109.57   €101.29 1940s CC4 Utility 2 Piece SuitAnn's Tiques Unique Vintage 1940s CC4 Utility Evening Dress£65.00 $83.79   €77.46 1940s CC4 Utility Evening DressAnn's Tiques Unique Vintage 1940s Peggy Page Vintage Dress £65.00 $83.79   €77.46 1940s Peggy Page Vintage Dress Ann's Tiques Unique Vintage Feliks Topolski 1907-1989   Feliks Topolski 1907-1989 Radnorshire Fine Arts Ltd
Carved Oak Spinning Chair£95 $122.46   €113.21 Carved Oak Spinning ChairBaildon Furniture Company Ltd An Old Hand Carved Stone Shire Horse£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 An Old Hand Carved Stone Shire HorseDebden Antiques And Interiors Rare Silver Winged Victory Angel Trophy£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 Rare Silver Winged Victory Angel TrophyLavender Hill Antiques VIntage Painted 1950s Oval Mirror£76.00 $97.97   €90.57 VIntage Painted 1950s Oval MirrorDoe And Hope
1946 Fa Cup Final Pirate Prog£35 $45.12   €41.71 1946 Fa Cup Final Pirate ProgDave Johnson Old Football Programmes 1946 FA CUP FINAL CHARLTON ATH V DERBY C£200 $257.82   €238.34 1946 Fa Cup Final Charlton Ath V Derby CDave Johnson Old Football Programmes Eric Rimmington (1926 - )  Scarborough  Eric Rimmington (1926 - ) ScarboroughRadnorshire Fine Arts Ltd Clarice Cliff Sandwich Set£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Clarice Cliff Sandwich SetParbold Antiques