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Victorian Wedgwood Jasperware Biscuit Barrel

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Victorian Wedgwood Jasperware Biscuit Barrel %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Super Wedgwood jasperware biscuit barrel/cookie jar in a good colour of blue ground with very fine white appliques of classical subjects. The mounts are of EPNS and have been re-silvered. There is a swing handle and knop to the cover which with the new silver plating is sparkling. The interior is very clean

The barrel is about 5 1/4 inches to the top rim and 8 1/2 inches to the top of the handle.

Really lovely example which in such good condition would make a great gift.
Currently my internet shop is closed for holidays. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
£0.00  UK
$0.00  USA
0.00  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 20/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Ceramics Period Mid Victorian Antiques Material Ceramic Origin English Maker Wedgwood Jasperware Item code as233a062 / WW1 Status Sold

SellerAgnes Fox Antiques

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Agnes Fox Antiques

Agnes Fox AntiquesUnits 10/11 Dolphin Arcade
155 Portobello Road
Notting Hill
W11 2DY

Tel : 07801 290948

Non UK callers : +44 7801 290948

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Victorian Wedgwood Jasperware Biscuit Barrel
as233a062 / WW1



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