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French Sedan Shaped 5 Glass Clock

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French Sedan Shaped 5 Glass Clock %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Circa 1870, an unusual and stylish French 5 glass gilt bronze mantle antique clock, in the high Rococo taste, the cartouche shaped case enclosed in the painted and enamel dial with Arabic numbers, suspending an unusual pendulum with painted portrait of a lady in the bob, the stamped movement ‘Japy Feres’ Paris, striking on a gong.

Japy Freres, Japys Freres & Co Paris, Japy Freres & Cier.
Japy Freres was founded in 1806 by Frédéric and his sons.
Frédéric Japy (1749-1812) was a pioneer in the "art" of industrialisation and manufacturing. Watches/clocks were made individually, by hand, by one or more people and then assembled. Japy Freres manufactured their antique clocks and watches in one place on a production line using machines made by themselves. This meant faster production and lower affordable prices.

37cm high 18cm wide 12cm deep

£1650.00  UK
$2083.62  USA
2000.63  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Clocks Date Circa 1870  Mid Victorian Antiques Origin French Maker Japy Freres Item code as178a4818 / 30767 Status Sold

SellerGeorgian Antiques

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Georgian Antiques10 Pattison Street
Leith Links

Tel : 0131 5537286

Non UK callers : +44 131 5537286

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French Sedan Shaped 5 Glass Clock
as178a4818 / 30767



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