Late 20th Century Vintage Technology

Found 72 For Sale and Sold    ( 24 for sale  48 sold )  
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Eric Morecambe’s Rosewood Bang & Olufsen Bookcase£6995 $8683.59   €8375.11 Eric Morecambe’s Rosewood Bang & Olufsen BookcaseSpencelayhs Of Cambridgeshire Vintage 2-in-1 Pendant Map Measure, German£145 $180   €173.61 Vintage 2-in-1 Pendant Map Measure, GermanLondon Fine Antiques Rare Hermès, Paris Sterling Silver Desk Compass£4000 $4965.6   €4789.2 Rare Hermès, Paris Sterling Silver Desk CompassPuckerings Antiques Ademco Vigil Slide Projector – Original Not Tested£20.00 $24.83   €23.95 Ademco Vigil Slide Projector – Original Not TestedVintage Tech Studio
Gnome Alphax II Slide Projector Upgraded To LED£62.00 $76.97   €74.23 Gnome Alphax II Slide Projector Upgraded To LEDVintage Tech Studio 1960s Hohm Steering Automotive German Model£325 $403.46   €389.12 1960's Hohm Steering Automotive German ModelUniqueitemsGB 1960s Steam Engine Model By HOHM Germany £305 $378.63   €365.18 1960's Steam Engine Model By HOHM Germany UniqueitemsGB Vintage Laboratory Microscope, German, Scientific£1495 $1855.89   €1789.96 Vintage Laboratory Microscope, German, ScientificLondon Fine Antiques
Vintage Handheld Tachometer, English Tool Speed £495 $614.49   €592.66 Vintage Handheld Tachometer, English Tool Speed London Fine Antiques Vintage Danish Bang And Olufsen 900RG Teak Radiogram  Vintage Danish Bang And Olufsen 900RG Teak RadiogramCotswold House Antiques 1960s San Giorgio Italian Design Desk Fan£240.00 $297.94   €287.35 1960's San Giorgio Italian Design Desk FanAntique Fan Supply Co. 1960s MABE Italian Designed Oscillating Desk Fan£220 $273.11   €263.41 1960's MABE Italian Designed Oscillating Desk FanAntique Fan Supply Co.
Olivetti Typewriter Designed 1969£450 $558.63   €538.79 Olivetti Typewriter Designed 1969Kadensek And Ward Vintage Balance, English, Mahogany, Scientific Scales £1250 $1551.75   €1496.63 Vintage Balance, English, Mahogany, Scientific Scales London Fine Antiques Berlin Wall Periscope Binoculars On A Tripod£6850 $8503.59   €8201.51 Berlin Wall Periscope Binoculars On A TripodHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Vintage Brewers Thermometer, Dairy, 1960£265 $328.97   €317.28 Vintage Brewer's Thermometer, Dairy, 1960London Fine Antiques
Cabin Small Slide Projector. Upgraded To LED.£38.00 $47.17   €45.5 Cabin Small Slide Projector. Upgraded To LED.Vintage Tech Studio Large Floor Standing Fan, Powerful, Superdry Brand£595 $738.63   €712.39 Large Floor Standing Fan, Powerful, Superdry BrandLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Pink & Cream Telephone.£150 $186.21   €179.6 Vintage Pink & Cream Telephone.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Silver Reed 500 Typewriter£45 $55.86   €53.88 Silver Reed 500 TypewriterWitch Antiques
Black 741 GPO Wall Telephone£99 $122.9   €118.53 Black 741 GPO Wall TelephoneAntique Telephones Ivory GPO 741 Wall Telephone£99 $122.9   €118.53 Ivory GPO 741 Wall TelephoneAntique Telephones Red 741 GPO Wall Telephone £159 $197.38   €190.37 Red 741 GPO Wall Telephone Antique Telephones Vintage Hairdryer DDR£350 $434.49   €419.06 Vintage Hairdryer DDRWest Coast Antiques
Vintage Map Measure, German, Compass, Magnifier£195 $242.07   €233.47 Vintage Map Measure, German, Compass, MagnifierLondon Fine Antiques Danish Teak Bang And Olufsen 900RG Radiogram  Danish Teak Bang And Olufsen 900RG RadiogramCotswold House Antiques Vintage Danish Bang & Olufsen 900RG Radiogram  Vintage Danish Bang & Olufsen 900RG RadiogramCotswold House Antiques Vintage Danish Bang & Olufsen 900RG Teak Radiogram  Vintage Danish Bang & Olufsen 900RG Teak RadiogramCotswold House Antiques
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