Fruitwood Antique Treen

Found 118 For Sale and Sold    ( 25 for sale  93 sold )  
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Richly Patinated Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon  Richly Patinated Welsh Fruitwood LovespoonHavard And Havard Initialled Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon  Initialled Welsh Fruitwood LovespoonHavard And Havard Exceptional Antique Welsh LoveSpoon Love Spoon  Exceptional Antique Welsh LoveSpoon Love SpoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques Beautiful Hand Carved Jam Spoon Treen  Beautiful Hand Carved Jam Spoon TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Rare 18thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen   Rare 18thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen Welsh Vernacular Antiques Rare 19thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen   Rare 19thC Welsh Dolphin Cawl Spoon Treen Welsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Lovespoon Treen Love Spoon C1860  Antique Lovespoon Treen Love Spoon C1860Welsh Vernacular Antiques A Large 19th Century Treen Platter.£550 $709.01   €655.44 A Large 19th Century Treen Platter.Youngs Antiques
Antique Wedding Love Spoon With Chain  Antique Wedding Love Spoon With ChainWelsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon Treen Love Spoon  Antique Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon Treen Love SpoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques 19th Century Fruitwood Turned Barrel. Treenware.  19th Century Fruitwood Turned Barrel. Treenware.Middletons Antiques A Beautiful Treen Egg Cruet  A Beautiful Treen Egg CruetAnthony House Antiques
Eighteenth Century Fruit Wood Candle Box  Eighteenth Century Fruit Wood Candle BoxAnthony House Antiques Large Victorian Fruitwood Gavel£185 $238.48   €220.46 Large Victorian Fruitwood GavelOsbourne Antiques Large Victorian Dug Out Bowl£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 Large Victorian Dug Out BowlLemon Tree Antiques Large Antique Treen Church Collection Plate 18th C£120 $154.69   €143 Large Antique Treen Church Collection Plate 18th CDecoris Fine Art
Early 19th Century Two Part Mortar Grater£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Early 19th Century Two Part Mortar GraterTerrier Antiques 19thC Welsh Love Token Ball & Cage Knitting Sheath£249.00 $320.99   €296.73 19thC Welsh Love Token Ball & Cage Knitting SheathTerrier Antiques 19thC Welsh Fruitwood Cawl Bowl - Treen  19thC Welsh Fruitwood Cawl Bowl - TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Fruitwood Hand Adzed Long Bowl£265 $341.61   €315.8 Antique Fruitwood Hand Adzed Long BowlRams Head Antiques
Pounce Pot£185 $238.48   €220.46 Pounce PotNewsum Antiques Pair Of English Fruitwood Antique Hat / Wig Stands  Pair Of English Fruitwood Antique Hat / Wig StandsMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Rare 19thC Fruitwood Treen Mazer Cup Wassail Bowl  Rare 19thC Fruitwood Treen Mazer Cup Wassail BowlWelsh Vernacular Antiques Hat Stretcher£270 $348.06   €321.76 Hat StretcherPatination Ltd
Two 19th Century Knitting Sheaths  Two 19th Century Knitting SheathsAnthony House Antiques 18thC  Welsh Cage Love Spoon Treen Lovespoon  18thC Welsh Cage Love Spoon Treen LovespoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques Fruitwood Dent Dale NW Yorkshire Knitting Sheath£120.00 $154.69   €143 Fruitwood Dent Dale NW Yorkshire Knitting SheathAbergavenny Antiques Near Matched Pair Of 19th Century Buckets  Near Matched Pair Of 19th Century BucketsSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
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