19th Century Antique Treen

Found 1247 For Sale and Sold    ( 269 for sale  978 sold )  
Rare Victorian Pine Glove Dryer - Treen  Rare Victorian Pine Glove Dryer - TreenWelsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture Pretty 19thC Oak Oatcake Peel - Treen  Pretty 19thC Oak Oatcake Peel - TreenWelsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture Sweet 19thC Welsh Sycamore Lovespoon  Sweet 19thC Welsh Sycamore LovespoonWelsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture French Beech Wig Stand Or Hat Stand, Shop Display  French Beech Wig Stand Or Hat Stand, Shop DisplayElmgarden
French Oak Wig Stand Or Hat Stand, Shop Display  French Oak Wig Stand Or Hat Stand, Shop DisplayElmgarden A 19th Century Crimping Board And Roller  A 19th Century Crimping Board And RollerOpus Antiques Antique  Marlin Spike  Antique Marlin SpikeMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Large French Fruit Wood Hat Block Milliners Form  Large French Fruit Wood Hat Block Milliners FormElmgarden
19thC Welsh Elm Oatcake Peel - Treen  19thC Welsh Elm Oatcake Peel - TreenWelsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture Victorian Sail Makers Tool - Treen  Victorian Sail Makers Tool - TreenWelsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture A Pair Of Antique Egg Cups  A Pair Of Antique Egg CupsOpus Antiques Treen Fruit Wood Pipe Case  Treen Fruit Wood Pipe CasePrometheus Antiques
A Small Oak Spoon Rack£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 A Small Oak Spoon RackHavard And Havard Fruitwood And Ebonised Dutch Bucket£680 $876.59   €810.36 Fruitwood And Ebonised Dutch BucketMartlesham Antiques Victorian Treen Rolling Pin  Victorian Treen Rolling PinMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques A Large 19th C Elm Bowl£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 A Large 19th C Elm BowlHavard And Havard
19th Century Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl  19th Century Antique Sycamore Dairy BowlMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd 19th Century Coopered Oak Brandy Barrel£85 $109.57   €101.29 19th Century Coopered Oak Brandy BarrelCarse Antiques And Restoration 19th Cent.Tunbridgeware Chamberstick£120.00 $154.69   €143 19th Cent.Tunbridgeware ChamberstickGoodwin Antiques Victorian Tartan Ware Box£135 $174.03   €160.88 Victorian Tartan Ware BoxRecess Antiques
Black Forest Carved Needlecase£35 $45.12   €41.71 Black Forest Carved NeedlecaseRod Naylor Antiques Tunbridgeware Sewing Clamp.c.1890£165.00 $212.7   €196.63 Tunbridgeware Sewing Clamp.c.1890Goodwin Antiques Large English Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl.  Large English Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Pair Of Carved Chamois Goat Heads  Antique Pair Of Carved Chamois Goat HeadsBarnhill Trading Co.
Antique Gavel & Block  Antique Gavel & BlockBarnhill Trading Co. Dutch 19th Century Ribbed Mahogany Bucket£150.00 $193.37   €178.76 Dutch 19th Century Ribbed Mahogany BucketLornel Trading Ltd RARE Early 19th Century Bushel Measure Leveller£67 $86.37   €79.84 RARE Early 19th Century Bushel Measure LevellerCarse Antiques And Restoration Antique Treen Fruitwood  Sewing Clamp  Antique Treen Fruitwood Sewing ClampMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques