Edwardian Antique Silver Plated

Found 525 For Sale and Sold    ( 128 for sale  397 sold )  
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set£465 $599.43   €554.14 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea SetLondon City Antiques Quality Antique Silver Plated Decanter Stand £575 $741.23   €685.23 Quality Antique Silver Plated Decanter Stand Rebecca Sarah Antiques Antique English Crocodile & Silver Plate Hip Flask£395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique English Crocodile & Silver Plate Hip FlaskPuckerings Antiques Antique Afternoon Tea Service, English, C.1910£545 $702.56   €649.48 Antique Afternoon Tea Service, English, C.1910London Fine Antiques
Antique English Silver   Tea Service C1910£495 $638.1   €589.89 Antique English Silver Tea Service C1910London Fine Antiques Champagne Or Soda Syphon Coaster£155 $199.81   €184.71 Champagne Or Soda Syphon CoasterMarket Square Antiques Silver Plated Candle Stick Converted To Lamp£195 $251.37   €232.38 Silver Plated Candle Stick Converted To LampCourtyard Antiques Brasted Nr Sevenoaks Silver Plated Edwardian Egg Cruet Set£140 $180.47   €166.84 Silver Plated Edwardian Egg Cruet SetPlanet Antiques
Asparagus Serving Dish C.1910 By Mappin And Webb£395 $509.19   €470.72 Asparagus Serving Dish C.1910 By Mappin And WebbPuckerings Antiques Sale On. 6 Kings Pattern Dinner Forks By James Deakin£35.00 $45.12   €41.71 Sale On. 6 Kings Pattern Dinner Forks By James DeakinBarnhill Trading Co. Antique English Glass And Silver Plate Ice Bucket£395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique English Glass And Silver Plate Ice BucketPuckerings Antiques Rare Antique English Cake Knife - Golf Club - 1910£330 $425.4   €393.26 Rare Antique English Cake Knife - Golf Club - 1910Puckerings Antiques
Silver Plated Spirit Kettle.£95 $122.46   €113.21 Silver Plated Spirit Kettle.Roger Grimes Antiques Decorative Silver Plate Candleabra£200 $257.82   €238.34 Decorative Silver Plate CandleabraMichael Allcroft Antiques Edwardian EPNS Pair Of Knife Rests£25.00 $32.23   €29.79 Edwardian EPNS Pair Of Knife RestsYore Antiques Art Deco Water Jug£75.00 $96.68   €89.38 Art Deco Water JugParbold Antiques
Stunning Quality Antique Edwardian Claret Jug£295 $380.28   €351.55 Stunning Quality Antique Edwardian Claret JugUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Novelty Owl Pepper Pot Silver Plated£125 $161.14   €148.96 Edwardian Novelty Owl Pepper Pot Silver PlatedPaul Watson Antiques Tall Pair, Antique Candlesticks, English£485 $625.21   €577.97 Tall Pair, Antique Candlesticks, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Edwardian Oak Tantalus  Edwardian Oak TantalusSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
Fantastic Quality Antique Silver Plated Ice Bucket£345 $444.74   €411.14 Fantastic Quality Antique Silver Plated Ice BucketUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Antique Silver Plated Claret Jugs£825 $1063.51   €983.15 Pair Of Antique Silver Plated Claret JugsUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Tiffin Box, English, Silver Plated£295 $380.28   €351.55 Antique Tiffin Box, English, Silver PlatedLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of Antique Wine Bottle Coasters, English£395 $509.19   €470.72 Pair Of Antique Wine Bottle Coasters, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Edwardian Set Of Six Butter Knives £145 $186.92   €172.8 Antique Edwardian Set Of Six Butter Knives Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Preserve Jar, C. 1900£175 $225.59   €208.55 Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Preserve Jar, C. 1900Julie Cartwright Antiques  Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Engraved Tray £345 $444.74   €411.14 Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Engraved Tray Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Walker & Hall Carving Set  Walker & Hall Carving SetSinclairs Antiques And Interiors