Edwardian Antique Silver Plated

Found 525 For Sale and Sold    ( 128 for sale  397 sold )  
Gorgeous Edwardian Silver Plated Centrepiece  Gorgeous Edwardian Silver Plated CentrepieceKingsdown Antiques Silver Plated Cocktail Tray By Martin Hall C.1900  Silver Plated Cocktail Tray By Martin Hall C.1900Puckerings Antiques Lovely Edwardian Silver Plated Squirrel Nut Dish  Lovely Edwardian Silver Plated Squirrel Nut DishKingsdown Antiques  Asparagus Serving Set By Hukin And Heath C.1900  Asparagus Serving Set By Hukin And Heath C.1900Puckerings Antiques
Stunning Edwardian Silver Plated Gallery Tray  Stunning Edwardian Silver Plated Gallery TrayKingsdown Antiques Good Pair Of Edwardian Silver Plated Coasters  Good Pair Of Edwardian Silver Plated CoastersKingsdown Antiques Superb Cut Glass And Silver Plated Hip Flask  Superb Cut Glass And Silver Plated Hip FlaskKingsdown Antiques Stunning Edwardian Silver Plated Bowl, Circa 1905  Stunning Edwardian Silver Plated Bowl, Circa 1905Kingsdown Antiques
Edwardian Silverplate & Cut Glass Biscuit Barrel  Edwardian Silverplate & Cut Glass Biscuit BarrelTwojays Corner Antiques Fabulous Edwardian Large Silver Plated Tray  Fabulous Edwardian Large Silver Plated TrayKingsdown Antiques Pair Antique Chambersticks By James Dixon  Pair Antique Chambersticks By James DixonPuckerings Antiques Fish Knives And Forks - Carved Fish Handles - 1909  Fish Knives And Forks - Carved Fish Handles - 1909Puckerings Antiques
Stunning Edwardian Silver Plated Tray, Circa 1905  Stunning Edwardian Silver Plated Tray, Circa 1905Kingsdown Antiques Set Of Mappin And Webb Napkin Rings Edwardian£95.00 $122.46   €113.21 Set Of Mappin And Webb Napkin Rings EdwardianSpencer James Antiques Pair Antique Silver Plated Wine Coolers C.1910  Pair Antique Silver Plated Wine Coolers C.1910Puckerings Antiques Charming Edwardian Silver Plated Grape Dish  Charming Edwardian Silver Plated Grape DishKingsdown Antiques
Superb Pair Of Edwardian Coasters, Circa 1905  Superb Pair Of Edwardian Coasters, Circa 1905Kingsdown Antiques Gorgeous Edwardian Silver Plated Butter Dish  Gorgeous Edwardian Silver Plated Butter DishKingsdown Antiques English Silver Plate And Oak Galleried Tray C.1900  English Silver Plate And Oak Galleried Tray C.1900Puckerings Antiques Nice Pair Of Edwardian Silver Plated Candlesticks  Nice Pair Of Edwardian Silver Plated CandlesticksKingsdown Antiques
Pair Of Antique Edwardian Apex Silver-Plate Burner£125.00 $161.14   €148.96 Pair Of Antique Edwardian Apex Silver-Plate BurnerSlades Antiques Wonderful Edwardian Cased Mother Of Pearl Fish Set  Wonderful Edwardian Cased Mother Of Pearl Fish SetKingsdown Antiques Nice Edwardian Silver Plated Salad Servers  Nice Edwardian Silver Plated Salad ServersKingsdown Antiques Silver Plated Bread Basket By James Dixon & Sons£200 $257.82   €238.34 Silver Plated Bread Basket By James Dixon & SonsPuckerings Antiques
Stylish Edwardian Crocodile Leather Rocker Blotter  Stylish Edwardian Crocodile Leather Rocker BlotterKingsdown Antiques Edwardian Silver Plated And Crocodile Hip Flask  Edwardian Silver Plated And Crocodile Hip FlaskKingsdown Antiques Oak & Silver Plate Serving Tray By John Grinsell   Oak & Silver Plate Serving Tray By John Grinsell Puckerings Antiques Large English Serving Tray By Martin Hall C.1900  Large English Serving Tray By Martin Hall C.1900Puckerings Antiques