20th Century Railwayana

Found 384 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  285 sold )  
Carnforth F & M Jcn Signal Box Lever Plate "16"£45 $56.35   €54.01 Carnforth F & M Jcn Signal Box Lever Plate "16"Recess Antiques GWR Brass Signal Box Plunger "39"£145 $181.58   €174.04 GWR Brass Signal Box Plunger "39"Recess Antiques LMS Bridge Plate Number 4£130 $162.8   €156.04 LMS Bridge Plate Number 4Recess Antiques L&NWR Mintons Cream/Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl£38 $47.59   €45.61 L&NWR Minton's Cream/Milk Jug And Sugar BowlRecess Antiques
L&NWR Refreshment Room Dept. Tea Pot£95 $118.97   €114.03 L&NWR Refreshment Room Dept. Tea PotRecess Antiques Port Of London Authority WW1 War Service Badge£195 $244.2   €234.06 Port Of London Authority WW1 War Service BadgeRecess Antiques Furness Railway Spirit Measure£35 $43.83   €42.01 Furness Railway Spirit MeasureRecess Antiques Southern Railway One Person Tea Pot£75 $93.92   €90.02 Southern Railway One Person Tea PotRecess Antiques
Southern Railway Chatham Section Milk/Cream Jug£35 $43.83   €42.01 Southern Railway Chatham Section Milk/Cream JugRecess Antiques Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway WW1 Service Badge£135 $169.06   €162.04 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway WW1 Service BadgeRecess Antiques Great Central Railway WW1 Railway Service Badge£135 $169.06   €162.04 Great Central Railway WW1 Railway Service BadgeRecess Antiques South Eastern & Chatham Railway WW1 Service Badge£195 $244.2   €234.06 South Eastern & Chatham Railway WW1 Service BadgeRecess Antiques
North Eastern Railway Whistle£60 $75.14   €72.02 North Eastern Railway WhistleRecess Antiques London & North Eastern Railway Flag-Man Armband£120 $150.28   €144.04 London & North Eastern Railway Flag-Man ArmbandRecess Antiques GWR Great Western Railway Temporary Porters Badge£68 $85.16   €81.62 GWR Great Western Railway Temporary Porter's BadgeRecess Antiques Crewe Arms Hotel Vesta£85 $106.45   €102.03 Crewe Arms Hotel VestaRecess Antiques
C.L.C. Cheshire Lines Committee Carriage Ash Tray£65 $81.4   €78.02 C.L.C. Cheshire Lines Committee Carriage Ash TrayRecess Antiques LNER Carriage Ash Tray£65 $81.4   €78.02 LNER Carriage Ash TrayRecess Antiques British Railways Paper Weight£55 $68.88   €66.02 British Railways Paper WeightRecess Antiques GWR Paper Weight £55 $68.88   €66.02 GWR Paper Weight Recess Antiques
GWR Tea Cup And Saucer£60 $75.14   €72.02 GWR Tea Cup And SaucerRecess Antiques GWR Tea Cup & Saucer£55 $68.88   €66.02 GWR Tea Cup & SaucerRecess Antiques Rufford Junction - Blidworth Junction Key Token£250 $313.08   €300.08 Rufford Junction - Blidworth Junction Key TokenRecess Antiques Middlewich - Northwich Key Token£250 $313.08   €300.08 Middlewich - Northwich Key TokenRecess Antiques
Glasgow & South Western Railway WW1 Badge£95 $118.97   €114.03 Glasgow & South Western Railway WW1 BadgeRecess Antiques London Midland & Scottish Railway Bridge Plate 44£120 $150.28   €144.04 London Midland & Scottish Railway Bridge Plate 44Recess Antiques LNER Jug£55 $68.88   €66.02 LNER JugRecess Antiques Gleneagles Coffee Pot£60 $75.14   €72.02 Gleneagles Coffee PotRecess Antiques