Antique Mirrors
Found 11501 For Sale and Sold ( 2028 for sale 9473 sold )
$2792.7 €2706.98
19thc Italian Carved Giltwood Dressing MirrorLVS Decorative Arts
$273.06 €264.68
Pair William 1V Period Mahogany Concave Wall MirrorsPaul Watson Antiques
$1110.87 €1076.77
Antique French Rococo Mirror C1890Swagantiques
$806.78 €782.02
Antique French Silver Mirror C1880Swagantiques
$1365.32 €1323.41
Art Deco Walnut And Satinwood MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$1427.38 €1383.57
Antique French Mirror With Arrows And Quiver C1850Swagantiques
$614.39 €595.53
Large Ornate Gilt Framed MirrorFB Antiques
$4095.96 €3970.23
Early 19th Century Gilded Leaner Mirror H201cmNimbus Antiques
$2103.83 €2039.25
Antique Giltwood Wall Mirror H141cmNimbus Antiques
$2792.7 €2706.98
Antique Italian Giltwood MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$825.4 €800.06
Mahogany Wall Mirror - George IIISunnyside Antiques
$1234.99 €1197.08
English Gilt Overmantle MirrorFernyhough Antiques
$372.36 €360.93
Round Art Deco Atsonea Ornate Gilt Wall MirrorElmgarden
$5585.4 €5413.95
136cm Large Sorcerers Convex Glass Butlers Mirror Wimbledon Furniture Ltd
$366.15 €354.91
Edwardian Mahogany Wall MirrorSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$1234.99 €1197.08
Antique Inlaid & Gilt Mahogany Fretted Wall MirrorLondon City Antiques
$614.39 €595.53
English Oval Gilt Wall MirrorFernyhough Antiques
$1110.87 €1076.77
Antique Silver French Mirror With Putti C1870Swagantiques
$1210.17 €1173.02
Large French Cheval MirrorHutton-Clarke Antiques
$4778.62 €4631.94
C.1860 Walnut American Eagle Overmantel MirrorWimbledon Furniture Ltd
$341.33 €330.85
Victorian Mahogany Adjustable Shaving StandKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables
$558.54 €541.4
Antique French Silver Gilded MirrorSwagantiques
$1055.02 €1022.64
Antique French Carved Walnut MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$744.72 €721.86
Gothic Carved Oak Oval MirrorElmgarden
$3537.42 €3428.84
6' 5" Antique Gentlemans Outfitters MirrorLondon Fine Antiques
$1489.44 €1443.72
Large Antique French Gilded Mirror C1870Swagantiques
$366.15 €354.91
Art Deco Peach Framed Convex MirrorArt Furniture
$434.42 €421.09
Edwardian Mahogany Gilt Gesso MirrorSinclairs Antiques And Interiors