Antique Mirrors
Found 11500 For Sale and Sold ( 2027 for sale 9473 sold )
$682.66 €661.71
19th Century French Baroque Gilt Wall MirrorElmgarden
$2854.76 €2767.13
Antique Gilded Wall Mirror H103cmNimbus Antiques
$2854.76 €2767.13
Antique Gilded Wall Mirror H140cmNimbus Antiques
$862.63 €836.15
Art Deco Dress Makers / Tailors Wall MirrorCirca 1900
$862.63 €836.15
Vintage Italian Textured Glass MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$2606.52 €2526.51
19th Century Giltwood Wall Mirror H150cmNimbus Antiques
$366.15 €354.91
Victorian Mahogany “Chippendale” Fretwork MirrorAntique Furniture Direct
$713.69 €691.78
Antique Adam Style Giltwood MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$2730.64 €2646.82
Antique French Giltwood Wall Mirror 169cmNimbus Antiques
$353.74 €342.88
Black Chinoiserie Mirror.Tribalism To Modernism
$558.54 €541.4
Keswick School Of Industrial Arts Copper Mirror.Tribalism To Modernism
$6826.6 €6617.05
Exhibition Quality Louis XV Style Cheval MirrorGeorgian Antiques
$1110.87 €1076.77
Large Antique Continental Porcelain Easel MirrorLondon City Antiques
$1110.87 €1076.77
Lovely Victorian Oval Gilt Wall MirrorFernyhough Antiques
$1055.02 €1022.64
Antique Regency Giltwood MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$3971.84 €3849.92
Very Large Antique Gilt Overmantle Wall MirrorFine Antique Mirrors
$99.3 €96.25
Antique French Faux Bamboo MirrorHarmony Antiques
$719.9 €697.8
Victorian Florentine Style Giltwood Wall MirrorChurch Street Antiques
$310.3 €300.78
Small Regency Mahogany Pier MirrorAntique Furniture Direct
$2172.1 €2105.43
French Early XXth Century Gilded Wall Mirror H138cmNimbus Antiques
$347.54 €336.87
WIV Period Rosewood & Gilt Wall MirrorPaul Watson Antiques
$347.54 €336.87
Walnut Queen Anne Style Wall Mirror Circa 1920sPaul Watson Antiques
$453.04 €439.13
A 19th C. Rosewood Bevelled Edge Mirror Beech And Springs Antiques
$1483.23 €1437.7
Large Tamo Ash Mirror & Console Table C.1910Collinge Antiques
$3152.65 €3055.87
Italian 1960s Mirror By Cristal ArtCeltic Antiques
$1110.87 €1076.77
Large Vintage Full Length Rectangular Shop MirrorKernow Furniture
$3289.18 €3188.22
Antique Swedish Gustavian Giltwood MirrorMarylebone Antiques
$484.07 €469.21
Victorian Circular Gilt MirrorJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative