Wood Antique Kitchenalia

Found 50 For Sale and Sold    ( 13 for sale  37 sold )  
Cheeseboard With Carved Mouse  Cheeseboard With Carved MouseArt Furniture Huge Dugout Bowl£1650 $2081.48   €1988.75 Huge Dugout BowlNewsum Antiques Vintage C1930s Wooden Toast Rack£25.00 $31.54   €30.13 Vintage C1930s Wooden Toast RackYore Antiques 19th C Chinese Painted Wooden Rice Pail£145 $182.92   €174.77 19th C Chinese Painted Wooden Rice PailRobert Lunn Antiques
Pine & Elm Egg Delivery Box GWR Railway Worcester   Pine & Elm Egg Delivery Box GWR Railway Worcester Lupercal Antiques And Design Antique Victorian Wooden Wash Dolly Posser£85 $107.23   €102.45 Antique Victorian Wooden Wash Dolly PosserTreasure Trove Worcester 1920s Vegetable Rack£650.00 $819.98   €783.45 1920s Vegetable RackPeppermill Antiques Victorian Pine Swan Butter Stamp, Circa 1890  Victorian Pine Swan Butter Stamp, Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques
Swedish Dough Trough  Swedish Dough TroughM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Antique Mid Victorian Wooden Rolling Pin£29.00 $36.58   €34.95 Antique Mid Victorian Wooden Rolling PinYore Antiques Antique Wooden Grain Containers   Antique Wooden Grain Containers Eras Of Style Antique Edwardian Wooden Bread Bowl.£90.00 $113.54   €108.48 Antique Edwardian Wooden Bread Bowl.Yore Antiques
Victorian Wooden Butter Dish£100.00 $126.15   €120.53 Victorian Wooden Butter DishYore Antiques Pink Milk Tub£175 $220.76   €210.93 Pink Milk TubNewsum Antiques Lathe Baskets  Lathe BasketsNewsum Antiques Red Tub Containers  Red Tub ContainersNewsum Antiques
Turned Wooden Mortar And Pestle£48.00 $60.55   €57.85 Turned Wooden Mortar And PestleAntiques And Interiors Butlers Bell Panel£75 $94.61   €90.4 Butler's Bell PanelTerrier Antiques Wooden Butter Tub£80.00 $100.92   €96.42 Wooden Butter TubWoodys Antiques Churchill & Montgommery Wine Pourers£90.00 $113.54   €108.48 Churchill & Montgommery Wine PourersWoodys Antiques
Decorative 19th Century Cutlery Tray.  Decorative 19th Century Cutlery Tray.Prichard Antiques Vintage Butter Storage Box (England, C. 1920)£ 95 $119.84   €114.5 Vintage Butter Storage Box (England, C. 1920)Worboys Antiques And Clocks    