Antique Milk Churns

Milk Churns and Milk Cans

Found 79 For Sale and Sold    ( 13 for sale  66 sold )  
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Victorian Silver Miniature Milk Churn Pepper Pot£185 $238.72   €220.26 Victorian Silver Miniature Milk Churn Pepper PotThe Fancy Fox Mahogany & Silver Banded Pepper Grinder 1914£150 $193.56   €178.59 Mahogany & Silver Banded Pepper Grinder 1914Paul Watson Antiques Brass Milk Bucket - Early 20th Century£155 $200.01   €184.54 Brass Milk Bucket - Early 20th CenturyMiddletons Antiques Triang Vintage Toy Milk Cart£450.00 $580.68   €535.77 Triang Vintage Toy Milk CartLemon Tree Antiques
French Vintage Pair Of Large Milk Churns£375.00 $483.9   €446.48 French Vintage Pair Of Large Milk ChurnsLogistique Collectables 17 Gallon Milk Churn, Settle / Leeds£850.00 $1096.84   €1012.01 17 Gallon Milk Churn, Settle / LeedsLemon Tree Antiques Antique Copper & Brass Dutch Milk Churn £275 $354.86   €327.42 Antique Copper & Brass Dutch Milk Churn Oakgrove Antiques 19th C Milk Churn With Iron Strapping£130 $167.75   €154.78 19th C Milk Churn With Iron StrappingElmgarden
Large 19th C Metal Milk Churn With Iron Strapping£145 $187.11   €172.64 Large 19th C Metal Milk Churn With Iron StrappingElmgarden Set Of Four Polish Enamel Churns£100 $129.04   €119.06 Set Of Four Polish Enamel ChurnsPlanet Antiques A Real Tatty Victorian Railway Milk Churn.£95.00 $122.59   €113.11 A Real Tatty Victorian Railway Milk Churn.Twojays Corner Antiques 19th Century Cream Skimmer Bags Of Character£35 $45.16   €41.67 19th Century Cream Skimmer Bags Of CharacterLimited Editions
Copper Milk Churn/pail.£70.00 $90.33   €83.34 Copper Milk Churn/pail.Twojays Corner Antiques 1 Gill Tin & Brass Cream Pail With Makers Mark  1 Gill Tin & Brass Cream Pail With Makers MarkDaryl Yeates Antiques Edwardian Silver Novelty Pepper Mill£125 $161.3   €148.83 Edwardian Silver Novelty Pepper MillPaul Watson Antiques Silver Pepper Grinder - Silver Jubilee 1977£195 $251.63   €232.17 Silver Pepper Grinder - Silver Jubilee 1977William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
10 Gallon Copper Milk Churn Ambrosia£350.00 $451.64   €416.71 10 Gallon Copper Milk Churn AmbrosiaLemon Tree Antiques  Rare Welsh Antique Painted Pine Dairy Dresser  Rare Welsh Antique Painted Pine Dairy DresserMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Decorative Traditionally Hand Painted Milk Ch  Antique Decorative Traditionally Hand Painted Milk ChFounders Antiques Antique Milk Churn Trolly Wheelbarrow  Antique Milk Churn Trolly WheelbarrowFounders Antiques
Rare Large Ironstone Pure Milk Pail C1910  Rare Large Ironstone Pure Milk Pail C1910Welsh Vernacular Antiques Victorian Milk Churn Cromer Norfolk  Spurell  Victorian Milk Churn Cromer Norfolk SpurellDaryl Yeates Antiques Old French Nestle Polished Aluminum Milk Churn  Old French Nestle Polished Aluminum Milk ChurnHobson May Collection Miniature Steel Milk Pail With Brass Fittings.  Miniature Steel Milk Pail With Brass Fittings.Daryl Yeates Antiques
Old French Nestle Polished Metal Milk Churn  Old French Nestle Polished Metal Milk ChurnHobson May Collection Large United Dairies Copper Milk Churn  Large United Dairies Copper Milk ChurnPrometheus Antiques Peugeot 1909 Silver Pepper Mill Milk Churn£150 $193.56   €178.59 Peugeot 1909 Silver Pepper Mill Milk ChurnCourtyard Antiques Brasted Nr Sevenoaks Edwardian Express Dairy Delivery Milk Cart  Edwardian Express Dairy Delivery Milk CartElmgarden
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