Late 19th Century Antique Kitchenalia
Found 299 For Sale and Sold ( 80 for sale 219 sold )
$186.18 €180.47
Arabic Brass Pitcher (Dallah)Pyrontique
$781.96 €757.95
Antique English Oak And Silver Plated Cutlery TrayPuckerings Antiques
$84.4 €81.81
Set Of Victorian Brass Kitchen Scales And WeightsMelbourne Antiques
Oak Brass Bound Cider Jug Shackladys Antiques
$242.03 €234.6
Copper Fish KettleWest Lancs Antique Exports
$117.91 €114.29
Brass Victorian Kitchen Scales And WeightsMelbourne Antiques
$24.82 €24.06
Antique Victorian Porcelain Preserve Pot.Yore Antiques
Antique Oak & Copper Cider JugBarnhill Trading Co.
$217.21 €210.54
Pink Milk TubNewsum Antiques
Lathe BasketsNewsum Antiques
Red Tub ContainersNewsum Antiques
Art Nouveau Brass Crumb TrayBarnhill Trading Co.
$229.62 €222.57
Pan StandCourtyard Antiques
Antique English Metal Flour BinBarnhill Trading Co.
$117.91 €114.29
Victorian Copper Jelly Moulds X 5Westbank Antiques
Antique English Basket Weave Egg Cruet C.1880Puckerings Antiques
$434.42 €421.09
19th Century Cast Iron French Coffee MillLornel Trading Ltd
Antique Copper Lidded 2 Handled PanBarnhill Trading Co.
Antique French Brass Grape HodBarnhill Trading Co.
Victorian Metal Flour BinHawthornes Antiques
English Antique Flour BinHawthornes Antiques
$105.5 €102.26
Washing DollyCourtyard Antiques
Arts & Crafts Keswick Copper TrivetRed House Antiques
$80.68 €78.2
Wall Mounted Parade Antiques
$173.77 €168.43
French Iron Coffee Bean RoasterTerrier Antiques
$341.33 €330.85
Double Turbot SteamerParade Antiques
$84.4 €81.81
Stoneware Jelly MouldsMelbourne Antiques
$341.33 €330.85
19th.c. Welsh Sycamore Dairy Bowl & Scoop.Collinge Antiques