Late 19th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 299 For Sale and Sold    ( 80 for sale  219 sold )  
Victorian 1887 Jubilee Copper Tea Kettle£50 $62.62   €60.02 Victorian 1887 Jubilee Copper Tea KettleRoger Dixon Antiques And Upholstery Victorian 1887 Jubilee Copper Tea Kettle £40 $50.09   €48.01 Victorian 1887 Jubilee Copper Tea Kettle Roger Dixon Antiques And Upholstery A Pair Of French Enamel Jugs£120 $150.28   €144.04 A Pair Of French Enamel JugsSmiths Vintage Sankey Copper Crumb Tray Brush And Pitcher£90 $112.71   €108.03 Sankey Copper Crumb Tray Brush And PitcherPlanet Antiques
French Copper Saucepan£65 $81.4   €78.02 French Copper SaucepanFerreira Antiques 19th C American Toleware Cornmeal  Bin Canister£1800 $2254.14   €2160.54 19th C American Toleware Cornmeal Bin CanisterElmgarden Victorian Copper Jelly Mould£60.00 $75.14   €72.02 Victorian Copper Jelly MouldAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Victorian Copper Kettle£165 $206.63   €198.05 Victorian Copper KettleWitch Antiques
A Small Copper Victorian Cooking Vessel Or Pan £300 $375.69   €360.09 A Small Copper Victorian Cooking Vessel Or Pan Westland London WAS Benson Copper Arts & Crafts Coffee Pot£85.00 $106.45   €102.03 WAS Benson Copper Arts & Crafts Coffee PotOld Birds Antiques Very Large Copper Saucepan And Lid£350 $438.31   €420.11 Very Large Copper Saucepan And LidShackladys Antiques Antique Marble Mortar C1890£210 $262.98   €252.06 Antique Marble Mortar C1890Nicholas Exham Antiques
A Rare Gilt Brass Spirit Kettle£595 $745.12   €714.18 A Rare Gilt Brass Spirit KettleRobert Belcher Antiques Antique Brass Jam Pan£55.00 $68.88   €66.02 Antique Brass Jam PanBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Late Victorian Wooden Bread Board£60.00 $75.14   €72.02 Antique Late Victorian Wooden Bread BoardYore Antiques Late Victorian Tea Pot£135 $169.06   €162.04 Late Victorian Tea PotWitch Antiques
Victorian Flour Sifter£55.00 $68.88   €66.02 Victorian Flour SifterBarnhill Trading Co. Pastry Marker£45.00 $56.35   €54.01 Pastry MarkerParade Antiques Benham & Froud Copper Kettle And Stand£395.00 $494.66   €474.12 Benham & Froud Copper Kettle And StandAntiques And Interiors Arts & Crafts Spirit Kettle On Stand£425.00 $532.23   €510.13 Arts & Crafts Spirit Kettle On StandJohn Howkins Antiques
Antique Tea Canister£99 $123.98   €118.83 Antique Tea CanisterAntiques Affair Victorian Brass Cream Skimmer£95 $118.97   €114.03 Victorian Brass Cream SkimmerMichael Allcroft Antiques Jelly Mould£350 $438.31   €420.11 Jelly MouldMartlesham Antiques Antique Bread Board£85.00 $106.45   €102.03 Antique Bread BoardBarnhill Trading Co.
1 Gill Tin & Brass Cream Pail With Makers Mark  1 Gill Tin & Brass Cream Pail With Makers MarkDaryl Yeates Antiques Decorative 19th Century French Iron Scroll Wine Rack£395 $494.66   €474.12 Decorative 19th Century French Iron Scroll Wine RackRams Head Antiques Waide & Sons Butter Churn£264 $330.61   €316.88 Waide & Sons Butter ChurnD And A Binder Ltd Victorian Turned Wood Potato Masher£35 $43.83   €42.01 Victorian Turned Wood Potato MasherChapman Antiques