Victorian Antique Desk Accessories

Found 1080 For Sale and Sold    ( 237 for sale  843 sold )  
Antique English Figural Inkwell / Inkstand C.1890£465 $587.2   €563.81 Antique English Figural Inkwell / Inkstand C.1890Puckerings Antiques Brass Desk Stand Ink Stand Standish£95.00 $119.97   €115.19 Brass Desk Stand Ink Stand StandishStudio RT Ltd Coromandel And Mother Of Pearl Book Slide £230.00 $290.44   €278.88 Coromandel And Mother Of Pearl Book Slide Steve Coombes Antiques Arts & Crafts Silver On Copper Document Holder.£90 $113.65   €109.13 Arts & Crafts Silver On Copper Document Holder.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Art Nouveau Oak Brass And Cabochons Blotter£120 $151.54   €145.5 Art Nouveau Oak Brass And Cabochons BlotterAntiques Affair Novelty Ink Well In The Form Of A Dogs Head£245 $309.39   €297.06 Novelty Ink Well In The Form Of A Dogs HeadMichael Allcroft Antiques Mahogany Ticket Dispenser£500 $631.4   €606.25 Mahogany Ticket DispenserGeorgian Antiques French Art Nouveau Inkwell In Bronze£130 $164.16   €157.63 French Art Nouveau Inkwell In BronzeAntiques Affair
Victorian Brass Twin Ink Stand /pen Rest Desk Tidy  Victorian Brass Twin Ink Stand /pen Rest Desk TidyMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Wonderful Art Nouveau Scribe Brass French£120 $151.54   €145.5 Wonderful Art Nouveau Scribe Brass FrenchAntiques Affair  Antique Desk Set£645.00 $814.51   €782.06 Antique Desk SetBarnhill Trading Co. Christopher Dresser Letter Rack£1800 $2273.04   €2182.5 Christopher Dresser Letter RackParbold Antiques
Paper Mache` Ink Stand£345 $435.67   €418.31 Paper Mache` Ink StandMichael Allcroft Antiques Rosewood Twin Inkpot Box. C1880£165 $208.36   €200.06 Rosewood Twin Inkpot Box. C1880Antique Boxes And Collectables 19th Century Gilt Metal Paper Clip£80 $101.02   €97 19th Century Gilt Metal Paper ClipGuy Ellis Antiques Late 19th Century Walnut Desk Calendar£245 $309.39   €297.06 Late 19th Century Walnut Desk CalendarWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Pietra Dura Mughal Style Paperweight  Pietra Dura Mughal Style PaperweightThe Purply Shop Desk Paperweight, Marble, Micro Mosaic, Italian.£1195 $1509.05   €1448.94 Desk Paperweight, Marble, Micro Mosaic, Italian.Robert Belcher Antiques William Gladstone Brass Vesta£55 $69.45   €66.69 William Gladstone Brass VestaRecess Antiques Sampson Mordan Silver Propelling Pencil, C1880£100 $126.28   €121.25 Sampson Mordan Silver Propelling Pencil, C1880Julie Cartwright Antiques
Victorian Gold Slide Pencil£120 $151.54   €145.5 Victorian Gold Slide PencilSW15 Collectables Antique English Brass Desk / Counter Bell C.1890  Antique English Brass Desk / Counter Bell C.1890Puckerings Antiques Antique English Brass Coddington Magnifying Glass   Antique English Brass Coddington Magnifying Glass Puckerings Antiques Victorian 9ct Rose Gold Propelling Pencil  Victorian 9ct Rose Gold Propelling PencilWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
Antique Executive Desk Book Slide, English, Walnut£595 $751.37   €721.44 Antique Executive Desk Book Slide, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques Campaign/Travelling Inkwell Late 19th Century£75 $94.71   €90.94 Campaign/Travelling Inkwell Late 19th CenturyAle House Antiques Walnut & Brass Inkwell Stand With Dome Topped Box£235 $296.76   €284.94 Walnut & Brass Inkwell Stand With Dome Topped BoxKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables Tunbridge Ware Book Slide£125 $157.85   €151.56 Tunbridge Ware Book SlideTanglewood Antiques