Antique Boxes

Found 5398 For Sale and Sold    ( 1251 for sale  4147 sold )  
Burr Walnut Puzzle Snuff Box With Horn Inlay£149 $192.08   €177.56 Burr Walnut Puzzle Snuff Box With Horn InlayHashtag Curios Antique French Papier Mache Portrait Snuff Box£149 $192.08   €177.56 Antique French Papier Mache Portrait Snuff BoxHashtag Curios Antique Treen Snuff Bottle With Chain£129 $166.29   €153.73 Antique Treen Snuff Bottle With ChainHashtag Curios William IV Horn Snuff Mull Box Swivel Dispenser£179 $230.75   €213.31 William IV Horn Snuff Mull Box Swivel DispenserHashtag Curios
Late Victorian Inlaid Mahogany Stationery Cabinet£675 $870.14   €804.4 Late Victorian Inlaid Mahogany Stationery CabinetThe Dorking Desk Shop Arts & Crafts Cigar & Cigarette Box, C.1880-1910£160 $206.26   €190.67 Arts & Crafts Cigar & Cigarette Box, C.1880-1910Burnell And Rowe Antique Chest Of Drawers Money Box Bank£129 $166.29   €153.73 Antique Chest Of Drawers Money Box BankHashtag Curios Antique Bilston Enamel Patch Snuff Box Church£149 $192.08   €177.56 Antique Bilston Enamel Patch Snuff Box ChurchHashtag Curios
Round Walnut Box Profusely Carved With Roses£250 $322.28   €297.93 Round Walnut Box Profusely Carved With RosesElmgarden Antique Mazawatee Tea Storage Tin Dick Whittington£179 $230.75   €213.31 Antique Mazawatee Tea Storage Tin Dick WhittingtonHashtag Curios 1830 Teapoy£320 $412.51   €381.34 1830 TeapoyYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Burr Walnut Jewellery / Stationary Box With 2 Other £350 $451.19   €417.1 Burr Walnut Jewellery / Stationary Box With 2 Other Elmgarden
Extremely Rare Large 18thc Mahogany Cutlery Urn£4500.00 $5800.95   €5362.65 Extremely Rare Large 18thc Mahogany Cutlery UrnLVS Decorative Arts George Bendon 10 Airs Scottish Musical Box £3999 $5155.11   €4765.61 George Bendon 10 Airs Scottish Musical Box Tyne Antiques Country House Post Box, Circa 1900£650 $837.92   €774.61 Country House Post Box, Circa 1900Frank Craig Antiques Delightful Early 19th C.  Welsh Oak Candle Box£235 $302.94   €280.05 Delightful Early 19th C. Welsh Oak Candle BoxMichael Allcroft Antiques
Quality George IV Birdseye Maple Tea Caddy£550 $709.01   €655.44 Quality George IV Birdseye Maple Tea CaddyGeorgian Antiques Bilston Enamel Patch Or Snuff Box Removable Pot£195 $251.37   €232.38 Bilston Enamel Patch Or Snuff Box Removable PotHashtag Curios Rare George II Laburnum Tea Chest C1750£1485 $1914.31   €1769.67 Rare George II Laburnum Tea Chest C1750S W Muggeridge Antiques George III Silver Snuff Box By Daniel Hockley  £495 $638.1   €589.89 George III Silver Snuff Box By Daniel Hockley S W Muggeridge Antiques
Georgian Burr Yew Tea Chest C1780£595 $767.01   €709.06 Georgian Burr Yew Tea Chest C1780S W Muggeridge Antiques Silver And Hard Stone Snuff Box 1835 £685 $883.03   €816.31 Silver And Hard Stone Snuff Box 1835 S W Muggeridge Antiques Bilston Enamel Patch Box Remembrance Of A Friend£195 $251.37   €232.38 Bilston Enamel Patch Box Remembrance Of A FriendHashtag Curios Lacquered Papier Mache Snuff Box W/ Abalone Inlay£20 $25.78   €23.83 Lacquered Papier Mache Snuff Box W/ Abalone InlayBurnell And Rowe
Campaign Writing Slope Stationery Lap Desk Box£225 $290.05   €268.13 Campaign Writing Slope Stationery Lap Desk BoxHashtag Curios Antique Bilston Chelsea Pottery Enamel Patch Box£249 $320.99   €296.73 Antique Bilston Chelsea Pottery Enamel Patch BoxHashtag Curios Rare Georgian Hand-Painted Porcelain Screw-Top Box£125 $161.14   €148.96 Rare Georgian Hand-Painted Porcelain Screw-Top BoxSignature Antiques Writing Slope Lap Desk Box Elgin Coulant Office 1875£225 $290.05   €268.13 Writing Slope Lap Desk Box Elgin Coulant Office 1875Hashtag Curios

 Antique Boxes