1900 Antique Stationery Boxes
Found 9 For Sale and Sold ( 2 for sale 7 sold )
$369.31 €355.39
Arts & Crafts Oak Letter BoxAthey Antiques
$1959.22 €1885.36
French Directoire Style Box File CabinetNewark Antiques And Interiors
Antique Victorian Oak Stationery Box Cabinet (c.1900)Yola Gray Antiques
French Tooled Leather Stationary Or Letter BoxElmgarden
Edwardian Mahogany Document Box, Circa 1905Kingsdown Antiques
$563.36 €542.12
Oak Stationery Box & Writing SlopeAthey Antiques
Brass Bound Gentleman’s Travelling BoxElmgarden
$688.55 €662.59
Unusual Oak Stationery CabinetAthey Antiques
$406.87 €391.53
Late Victorian Early Edwardian Oak Stationary Box Where Memories Meet