Georgian Boxes

Found 575 For Sale and Sold    ( 115 for sale  460 sold )  
Antique English George III Knife Box / Stationary   Antique English George III Knife Box / Stationary Puckerings Antiques Antique George III Mahogany Knife Box£695 $895.92   €828.23 Antique George III Mahogany Knife BoxRams Head Antiques 18th Century Mahogany Tea Caddy C1795£695 $895.92   €828.23 18th Century Mahogany Tea Caddy C1795S W Muggeridge Antiques Georgian Mahogany Wine Cooler C.1820£595 $767.01   €709.06 Georgian Mahogany Wine Cooler C.1820Collinge Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Storage Box  Georgian Mahogany Storage BoxSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Georgian Flame Mahogany Tea Caddy.£275 $354.5   €327.72 Georgian Flame Mahogany Tea Caddy.Deco Original Ltd Sheraton Period Satinwood Tea Chest C1790£655 $844.36   €780.56 Sheraton Period Satinwood Tea Chest C1790S W Muggeridge Antiques Georgian Elm Candle Box  Georgian Elm Candle BoxHarrington Antiques
Quality Antique George III Large Tea Caddy£525 $676.78   €625.64 Quality Antique George III Large Tea CaddyUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Late Georgian Jewellery Box£475.00 $612.32   €566.06 Late Georgian Jewellery BoxPuma And Bear, London Rare Silver Mounted George III Mahogany Tea Caddy£1700.00 $2191.47   €2025.89 Rare Silver Mounted George III Mahogany Tea CaddyPuma And Bear, London Late 18th Century George III Penwork Jewellery Box£185.00 $238.48   €220.46 Late 18th Century George III Penwork Jewellery BoxPuma And Bear, London
18th Cent Ribbed Walnut & Tortoiseshell Snuff Box.  18th Cent Ribbed Walnut & Tortoiseshell Snuff Box.Goodwin Antiques Chippendale Period Mahogany Tea Caddy£1760 $2268.82   €2097.39 Chippendale Period Mahogany Tea CaddyHarveys Antiques Fine 18th Century Mahogany Tea Chest C1770£925 $1192.42   €1102.32 Fine 18th Century Mahogany Tea Chest C1770S W Muggeridge Antiques Late 18th Century Wall Hanging Salt And Spice Box£780 $1005.5   €929.53 Late 18th Century Wall Hanging Salt And Spice BoxS W Muggeridge Antiques
Antique George III Mahogany Tea Caddy£750 $966.83   €893.78 Antique George III Mahogany Tea CaddyRoger Thorley Antiques - Restorations Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Knife Box / Stationery Box£495.00 $638.1   €589.89 Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Knife Box / Stationery BoxAthey Antiques 18th Century Mahogany Tea Caddy C1760  18th Century Mahogany Tea Caddy C1760S W Muggeridge Antiques Papier Mache Snuff Box. Pos. Stobwasser.  Papier Mache Snuff Box. Pos. Stobwasser.Goodwin Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Box  Georgian Mahogany BoxSinclairs Antiques And Interiors 18th Century Mahogany Octagon Shaped Wine Cooler£2550 $3287.21   €3038.84 18th Century Mahogany Octagon Shaped Wine CoolerMartlesham Antiques Rare George III Tea Caddy - C. 1760£595.00 $767.01   €709.06 Rare George III Tea Caddy - C. 1760Puma And Bear, London Regency Burr Yew Tea Caddy C1810£385 $496.3   €458.8 Regency Burr Yew Tea Caddy C1810S W Muggeridge Antiques
Late 18th Century Cutlery Box £425 $547.87   €506.47 Late 18th Century Cutlery Box Anthony House Antiques Antique Quality Rosewood And Brass Tea Caddy£1695 $2185.02   €2019.93 Antique Quality Rosewood And Brass Tea CaddyLondon City Antiques Antique Mahogany Brass Bound Wine Cooler £3485 $4492.51   €4153.07 Antique Mahogany Brass Bound Wine Cooler London City Antiques 18th Century Mahogany Tea Caddy £385 $496.3   €458.8 18th Century Mahogany Tea Caddy S W Muggeridge Antiques