Antique Daggers

Found 443 For Sale and Sold    ( 124 for sale  319 sold )  
German World War 1 Sawback Project £150 $193.37   €178.76 German World War 1 Sawback Project CAG Militaria Chassepot “German “£145 $186.92   €172.8 Chassepot “German “Smiths Vintage Near Mint Chassepot Bayonet £125 $161.14   €148.96 Near Mint Chassepot Bayonet Smiths Vintage World War 2 , SOE Knife £175 $225.59   €208.55 World War 2 , SOE Knife CAG Militaria
World War 2 Second Pattern FS Fighting Knife £650 $837.92   €774.61 World War 2 Second Pattern FS Fighting Knife CAG Militaria Trench Knife£110 $141.8   €131.09 Trench KnifeSmiths Vintage Metford Bayonet £65 $83.79   €77.46 Metford Bayonet Smiths Vintage World War 2 , 2nd Pattern Issued FS Fighting Knife£695 $895.92   €828.23 World War 2 , 2nd Pattern Issued FS Fighting KnifeCAG Militaria
Georgian Gamblers Dagger£395 $509.19   €470.72 Georgian Gamblers DaggerCAG Militaria A 19th Century French Bolt Action Rifle.£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 A 19th Century French Bolt Action Rifle.Youngs Antiques Medieval Knife - Dagger Baselard Type Single Edge.  Medieval Knife - Dagger Baselard Type Single Edge.Collect The Past World War 2 Hitler Youth Dagger Nice Early One £395 $509.19   €470.72 World War 2 Hitler Youth Dagger Nice Early One CAG Militaria
Lee Metford Bayonet £160 $206.26   €190.67 Lee Metford Bayonet Smiths Vintage Late 18ct German Hunting Dagger £295 $380.28   €351.55 Late 18ct German Hunting Dagger Smiths Vintage 15th C Military Quillon Dagger£535 $689.67   €637.56 15th C Military Quillon DaggerForte Antiques York Indian Hunting Bowie Knife   Indian Hunting Bowie Knife Christopher Walker Antiques
Baker Bayonet£350 $451.19   €417.1 Baker BayonetCAG Militaria World War 1 Butchers Cut Down Bayonet £175 $225.59   €208.55 World War 1 Butchers Cut Down Bayonet CAG Militaria Antique Indonesian Keris / Kris Sword Dagger  Antique Indonesian Keris / Kris Sword DaggerFounders Antiques German Weimar Clamshell Police Bayonet£1350 $1740.29   €1608.8 German Weimar Clamshell Police BayonetCAG Militaria
Victorian Crimea Period Brunswick Sword Bayonet  Victorian Crimea Period Brunswick Sword BayonetChristopher Walker Antiques SA Dagger A Bit Tired But A Good Maker And Origina£300 $386.73   €357.51 SA Dagger A Bit Tired But A Good Maker And OriginaCAG Militaria World War 2 , Deactivated Moschetto Cavalry Rifle£575 $741.23   €685.23 World War 2 , Deactivated Moschetto Cavalry RifleCAG Militaria Bayonet Arisaka£120 $154.69   €143 Bayonet ArisakaSmiths Vintage
German Mauser Bayonet £135 $174.03   €160.88 German Mauser Bayonet Smiths Vintage World War 2 German Naval Dagger£695 $895.92   €828.23 World War 2 German Naval DaggerCAG Militaria German World War 2 NSKK  Early Dagger£795 $1024.83   €947.4 German World War 2 NSKK Early DaggerCAG Militaria German SS Dagger£1350 $1740.29   €1608.8 German SS DaggerCAG Militaria