Antique Guns
Found 495 For Sale and Sold ( 124 for sale 371 sold )
$436.35 €418.29
Large Pinfire Revolver Smiths Arms And Armour
$2680.41 €2569.47
World War 2 PO8 Deactivated Luger PistolCAG Militaria
$1115.8 €1069.61
Martini Henry Rifle Obsolete CAG Militaria
$866.46 €830.59
World War 2 Turkish K98 Waffen Stamped CAG Militaria
$935.03 €896.33
World War I 1918 Dated SMLE DeactivatedCAG Militaria
$935.03 €896.33
Winchester 44 Under Leaver Deactivated Rifle CAG Militaria
$617.12 €591.57
Flintlock Pocket Pistol By Patrick Of LiverpoolCAG Militaria
$274.27 €262.92
Miniture Working Fob Watch PistolSaltwood Antiques
Pin Fire Revolver Smiths Vintage
30 Cal Rim Fire Revolver Smiths Vintage
.41 Derringer Smiths Vintage
$455.05 €436.21
Nickel Plated Pin Fire Pistol Smiths Vintage
Solid Frame Pin Fire Pistol Smiths Vintage
$529.85 €507.92
Pin Fire Pepperbox Smiths Vintage
$355.31 €340.6
Percussion Pistol With Belt Hook Smiths Vintage
$498.68 €478.04
Military Percussion Pistol Smiths Vintage
$199.47 €191.22
Percussion PistolSaltwood Antiques
$4675.13 €4481.63
18th Century Pair Large Double Barrelled PistolsKOE Antiques
$4051.78 €3884.08
Scarce Four Barrel Flintlock Pocket Pistol 1780sKOE Antiques
$2057.06 €1971.92
Brass Barrelled Blunderbuss ClarkeCAG Militaria
$741.79 €711.08
Webley Service MK2 Air Rifle CAG Militaria
$330.38 €316.7
Long Barrelled Percussion PistolCAG Militaria
$367.78 €352.55
Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol In Need Of TlcCAG Militaria
$243.11 €233.04
19th C Percussion Pocket PistolLincolnshire Antiques
$1240.47 €1189.12
Wartime Walter P38 Deactivated Hand Gun CAG Militaria
$473.75 €454.14
Antique Flintlock Pistol Smiths Vintage
French Military Pistol 1856Smiths Vintage
$1433.71 €1374.37
French Military Blunderbuss CAG Militaria