Steel Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 545 For Sale and Sold    ( 245 for sale  300 sold )  
French Heavy Cavalry Sabre With Scabbard Georgian £795 $1024.83   €947.4 French Heavy Cavalry Sabre With Scabbard Georgian Sovereign Antiques Colt Derringer.41 Rimfire Boxed£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Colt Derringer.41 Rimfire BoxedSovereign Antiques 1917 USA Model Soldiers Side Arm £495 $638.1   €589.89 1917 USA Model Soldiers Side Arm Sovereign Antiques Commando Dagger And Leather Scabbard William Roger£495 $638.1   €589.89 Commando Dagger And Leather Scabbard William RogerSovereign Antiques
British Commando’s Fighting Knife And Scabbard 194£245 $315.83   €291.97 British Commando’s Fighting Knife And Scabbard 194Sovereign Antiques Charge Of The Light Brigade Light Cavalry Sword £695 $895.92   €828.23 Charge Of The Light Brigade Light Cavalry Sword CAG Militaria Katana Japanese Swordsmith Chounsai Emura£2750 $3545.03   €3277.18 Katana Japanese Swordsmith Chounsai EmuraSovereign Antiques Victorian Gauntlet£350.00 $451.19   €417.1 Victorian GauntletHazlehurst Antiques
Japanese Katana In 2WW Mounts£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Japanese Katana In 2WW MountsSovereign Antiques Socket Bayonet 1855 Prussian £120 $154.69   €143 Socket Bayonet 1855 Prussian Smiths Vintage Samurai Sword 18th Century Short Sword£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Samurai Sword 18th Century Short SwordSovereign Antiques Sabre And Scabbard 1840s USA Calvary Sword,  Rare£595 $767.01   €709.06 Sabre And Scabbard 1840s USA Calvary Sword, RareSovereign Antiques
Royal Navy Officers Sword Victorian £850 $1095.74   €1012.95 Royal Navy Officers Sword Victorian Sovereign Antiques Sabre French Late Victorian £695 $895.92   €828.23 Sabre French Late Victorian Sovereign Antiques German 1ww Soldiers Bayonet With Scabbard And Frog£275 $354.5   €327.72 German 1ww Soldiers Bayonet With Scabbard And FrogSovereign Antiques Victorian Officers Sword£495 $638.1   €589.89 Victorian Officers SwordSovereign Antiques
19th Century French Arts And Crafts Hand Made Kite Shield£345 $444.74   €411.14 19th Century French Arts And Crafts Hand Made Kite ShieldElmgarden Late 15h-early 16th C Personal Knife£125 $161.14   €148.96 Late 15h-early 16th C Personal KnifeForte Antiques York 15th C German Hunting Knife (Bauernwehr)£475 $612.32   €566.06 15th C German Hunting Knife (Bauernwehr)Forte Antiques York Polished Steel Signal Cannon£345 $444.74   €411.14 Polished Steel Signal CannonShackladys Antiques
Flintlock Pistol C. 1720£1500 $1933.65   €1787.55 Flintlock Pistol C. 1720Quillon Antiques Remington 1863 Cap And Ball Pistol £385 $496.3   €458.8 Remington 1863 Cap And Ball Pistol Smiths Vintage 17th Century Left Hand Dagger £600 $773.46   €715.02 17th Century Left Hand Dagger Smiths Vintage 16th Century Composite 3/4 Italian Style Armour £6500 $8379.15   €7746.05 16th Century Composite 3/4 Italian Style Armour KOE Antiques
1796 Sword £190 $244.93   €226.42 1796 Sword Smiths Vintage WW2 German Dress Bayonet £75 $96.68   €89.38 WW2 German Dress Bayonet Smiths Vintage 1888 Lee Metford Bayonet £125 $161.14   €148.96 1888 Lee Metford Bayonet Smiths Vintage Large Military Pinfire Pistol £330 $425.4   €393.26 Large Military Pinfire Pistol Smiths Vintage