Antique Embroidery
Found 1005 For Sale and Sold ( 235 for sale 770 sold )
$214.11 €207.85
Late 1900s Industrial Cotton Mill Wicker BasketOakgrove Antiques
$1205.15 €1169.88
Antique Tekke Torba, Caucasian, Woven, Tent BagLondon Fine Antiques
$446.58 €433.51
A Good 19th Century Embroidery Sampler By Jane KayRams Head Antiques
$55.06 €53.45
Arts And Crafts Nursery TapestryArt Furniture
$305.88 €296.93
19th Century Framed Scottish TapestryElmgarden
$79.53 €77.2
Vanessa, Designed By Hilary Rosenthal, 1966 FabricKadensek And Ward
$1651.73 €1603.4
William And Mary Style Victorian Bench Stool Wimbledon Furniture Ltd
$550.58 €534.47
Charming Antique Needlework SamplerMichael Allcroft Antiques
$471.05 €457.26
Regency Needlework Map Of The World, Dated 1810S W Muggeridge Antiques
$238.58 €231.6
19th C. Wool Tapestry Child Visits Captive MotherStudio RT Ltd
$342.58 €332.56
19th Cent Rural Needlework PictureMichael Armson Antiques Ltd
$581.16 €564.16
Antique Framed Sampler, English, Cross-StitchLondon Fine Antiques
$165.17 €160.34
Embroidery Hollywood Glamour Artist Heather EverittTrade Antiques
$336.46 €326.62
Framed Woolwork Of Penrhyn Castle C.1830.Collinge Antiques
$220.23 €213.79
Chinese Rank BadgeVictorian Four Poster Beds
$1162.33 €1128.32
Scottish Silk & Woolwork PictureLemon Tree Antiques
$1162.33 €1128.32
C.1860 Hunting Stool From Buckeberg Castle GermanyWimbledon Furniture Ltd
$342.58 €332.56
George III Emroidered Panel For Elizabeth Newcomb Rob Hall Antiques
$104 €100.95
19th Century Chinese Silk On Silk Embroidery Imperial Antiques
$91.76 €89.08
Vintage Black Silk Embroidered Shawl - Deep FringeAntique Rarities
$134.59 €130.65
White Linen Drawn Thread Work Sheet & Pillow CasesAntique Rarities
$299.76 €290.99
Large Needlework Collage Egyptian Figures 1930,sTrade Antiques
$1449.85 €1407.42
The Potter Sampler From BreconshireHavard And Havard
$55.06 €53.45
Mabel Lucy Atwell, Hankies, Simple Sewing SetAntique Rarities
$458.81 €445.39
Victorian Tapestry Upholstered Mahogany StoolElmgarden
$489.4 €475.08
Antique Woven Silk Curtains Paul Michael Farnham
$244.7 €237.54
Beautiful Suzani Wall Hanging Tapestry EmbroideryRams Head Antiques
$269.17 €261.29
Exotic Silver Thread Embroidered Dress Panels Antique Rarities