Rosewood Antique Sewing

Found 269 For Sale and Sold    ( 66 for sale  203 sold )  
Antique Rosewood Work Table  Antique Rosewood Work TableJohn Howkins Antiques Regency Rosewood Worktable£1650 $2088.08   €1988.91 Regency Rosewood WorktableChurch Street Antiques Tunbridgeware Sewing Clamp.c.1890£165.00 $208.81   €198.89 Tunbridgeware Sewing Clamp.c.1890Goodwin Antiques Rosewood & Brass Inlay Games & Sewing Worktable  Rosewood & Brass Inlay Games & Sewing WorktableYola Gray Antiques
William IV Rosewood Work Table With Games Top  William IV Rosewood Work Table With Games TopFB Antiques William IV Rosewood Pedestal Work Table£1850 $2341.18   €2229.99 William IV Rosewood Pedestal Work TableChurch Street Antiques Regency Rosewood Sewing Or Work Table£520.00 $658.06   €626.81 Regency Rosewood Sewing Or Work TableLemon Tree Antiques 19thc Rosewood Book Trough And Sewing Cabinet£675 $854.21   €813.65 19thc Rosewood Book Trough And Sewing CabinetPiers Pisani Antiques
William IV Rosewood Occasional Table - Work Table£1875 $2372.81   €2260.13 William IV Rosewood Occasional Table - Work TableNimbus Antiques Stunning Regency Rosewood Work Table£895 $1132.62   €1078.83 Stunning Regency Rosewood Work TableSturmans Antiques Ltd Pair Of Treen Miniature Cauldrons  Pair Of Treen Miniature CauldronsPrometheus Antiques Victorian 19C Rosewood Games Work Side Sewing Table£845 $1069.35   €1018.56 Victorian 19C Rosewood Games Work Side Sewing TablePrior And Willis Antiques
Exceptional Early Victorian Trumpet Work Table£2650 $3353.58   €3194.31 Exceptional Early Victorian Trumpet Work TableNimbus Antiques Anglo-Indian Work Table C.1860.£545 $689.7   €656.94 Anglo-Indian Work Table C.1860.Collinge Antiques Regency Rosewood Work Box £595.00 $752.97   €717.21 Regency Rosewood Work Box Peppermill Antiques William IV Rosewood Pedestal Sewing Table  William IV Rosewood Pedestal Sewing TableShackladys Antiques
Rosewood Sewing Stand. £750 $949.13   €904.05 Rosewood Sewing Stand. Ledger Brothers Antiques Exceptional Early Victorian Trumpet Work Table£2650 $3353.58   €3194.31 Exceptional Early Victorian Trumpet Work TableNimbus Antiques Georgian Rosewood Pembroke Worktable£1095 $1385.72   €1319.91 Georgian Rosewood Pembroke WorktableBury Court Antiques Victorian Jewellery / Sewing Box£385 $487.22   €464.08 Victorian Jewellery / Sewing BoxNimbus Antiques
19thc. Rosewood & Boxwood Inlaid Work Table£1850 $2341.18   €2229.99 19thc. Rosewood & Boxwood Inlaid Work TablePiers Pisani Antiques William IV Work Table £1500 $1898.25   €1808.1 William IV Work Table Nimbus Antiques Work Table£1350 $1708.43   €1627.29 Work TableMartlesham Antiques A Rosewood Work Table  A Rosewood Work TableBury Court Antiques
Rosewood Trumpet Shaped Sewing Table  Rosewood Trumpet Shaped Sewing TableShackladys Antiques Regency Sewing Box£595 $752.97   €717.21 Regency Sewing BoxNimbus Antiques Regency Rosewood Ladies Work Table  Regency Rosewood Ladies Work TableCarse Antiques And Restoration Rosewood Work Table  Rosewood Work TableNethermill Antiques