Marquetry Antique Furniture

Found 665 For Sale and Sold    ( 192 for sale  473 sold )  
Pair French Lamp  Tables£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Pair French Lamp TablesFernyhough Antiques 19th Century Dutch Marquetry Dressing Table £4995 $6255.24   €5995.5 19th Century Dutch Marquetry Dressing Table The Vintage Interiors Late Victorian Marquetry Inlaid Bijouterie Cabinet£950 $1189.69   €1140.29 Late Victorian Marquetry Inlaid Bijouterie CabinetGeorgian Antiques An Exceptional 19th Century Edward Holmes Baldock £23500 $29429.05   €28207.05 An Exceptional 19th Century Edward Holmes Baldock Loveday Antiques Ltd
Quality Edwardian Mahogany Inlaid Display Cabinet £1395 $1746.96   €1674.42 Quality Edwardian Mahogany Inlaid Display Cabinet Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Victorian Set Of Four Marquetry Inlaid Chairs£1465 $1834.62   €1758.44 Victorian Set Of Four Marquetry Inlaid ChairsLondon City Antiques 19th Century French Etagere£450 $563.54   €540.14 19th Century French EtagereTreasury Antiques Inlaid Edwardian Bijouterie Table£1200 $1502.76   €1440.36 Inlaid Edwardian Bijouterie TableFrank Craig Antiques
Superb French Marquetry Coffee Table£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Superb French Marquetry Coffee TableFernyhough Antiques Grand Scale French Marquetry Commode £2650 $3318.6   €3180.8 Grand Scale French Marquetry Commode Tom Scott Antiques Jardiniere, Wine Cooler Table, Circa 1890£1500 $1878.45   €1800.45 Jardiniere, Wine Cooler Table, Circa 1890Frank Craig Antiques French Marquetry Escritoire Bureau£1295 $1621.73   €1554.39 French Marquetry Escritoire BureauFernyhough Antiques
C1900 Folding Inlaid Marquetry Centre Side Table£995.00 $1246.04   €1194.3 C1900 Folding Inlaid Marquetry Centre Side TablePrior And Willis Antiques Fab French Parquetry Bombe Commode Chest Of Drawer£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Fab French Parquetry Bombe Commode Chest Of DrawerFernyhough Antiques French Marquetry Commode Chest Of Drawers£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 French Marquetry Commode Chest Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques Stunning French Marquetry Commode Chest Of Drawers£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Stunning French Marquetry Commode Chest Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques
Superb French Commode Chest Of Drawers£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Superb French Commode Chest Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques Dutch Marquetry 19thC Drop Flap Table£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Dutch Marquetry 19thC Drop Flap TableMillers Antiques Of Wooler Pair Inlaid Figured Victorian Pier Cabinets£3590 $4495.76   €4309.08 Pair Inlaid Figured Victorian Pier CabinetsGeorgian Antiques Superb Syrian Damascus Moorish Games Table£1850 $2316.76   €2220.56 Superb Syrian Damascus Moorish Games TableJohn Howkins Antiques
French Marquetry Ladies Desk£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 French Marquetry Ladies DeskFernyhough Antiques Victorian Marquetry Inlaid Centre Table£2850 $3569.06   €3420.86 Victorian Marquetry Inlaid Centre TableJohn Howkins Antiques Stunning Moorish "Damascus" Games Table£1750 $2191.53   €2100.53 Stunning Moorish "Damascus" Games TableJohn Howkins Antiques Rosewood Marquetry Inlaid Octagonal Side Table£1650 $2066.3   €1980.5 Rosewood Marquetry Inlaid Octagonal Side TableTom Scott Antiques
Rare Dutch Marquetry Linen Cupboard.£3750 $4696.13   €4501.13 Rare Dutch Marquetry Linen Cupboard.Cavers Antiques Early 19th Century Large Dutch Marquetry Bureau£3750 $4696.13   €4501.13 Early 19th Century Large Dutch Marquetry BureauGeorgian Antiques Antique Dutch Marquetry Bombe Bureau£6750 $8453.03   €8102.03 Antique Dutch Marquetry Bombe BureauGeorgian Antiques Antique Walnut Dutch Marquetry Display Cabinet£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 Antique Walnut Dutch Marquetry Display CabinetFB Antiques