Flame Mahogany Antique Furniture

Found 578 For Sale and Sold    ( 66 for sale  512 sold )  
Mahogany Bowfront Chest Of Drawers  Mahogany Bowfront Chest Of DrawersBury Court Antiques Early Victorian Breakfront Wardrobe£2150.00 $2717.82   €2594.62 Early Victorian Breakfront WardrobeWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£1450 $1832.95   €1749.86 Mahogany Chest Of DrawersMerchant House Antiques Large Mahogany Scotch Chest Of Drawers£595.00 $752.14   €718.05 Large Mahogany Scotch Chest Of DrawersAthey Antiques
William IV Flame Mahogany Linen Press  William IV Flame Mahogany Linen PressChurch Street Antiques Biedermeire Chest Of Drawers In Mahogany£1375 $1738.14   €1659.35 Biedermeire Chest Of Drawers In MahoganyNimbus Antiques Early Victorian Bookcase£2785 $3520.52   €3360.94 Early Victorian BookcaseNimbus Antiques Antique Inlaid Quartetto Of Tables  Antique Inlaid Quartetto Of TablesCJ Antiques
Antique William IV Centre Table  Antique William IV Centre TableNimbus Antiques Mahogany Scotch Chest Of Drawers£375.00 $474.04   €452.55 Mahogany Scotch Chest Of DrawersAthey Antiques Fine XIX Century Bookcase In Mahogany£2450 $3097.05   €2956.66 Fine XIX Century Bookcase In MahoganyNimbus Antiques Victorian Mahogany Chest TAYLOR£475 $600.45   €573.23 Victorian Mahogany Chest TAYLORBaildon Furniture Company Ltd
Victorian Bow Front Chest Of Drawers£460 $581.49   €555.13 Victorian Bow Front Chest Of DrawersBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Victorian Linen Press£1450 $1832.95   €1749.86 Victorian Linen PressFernyhough Antiques Edwardian Dressing Table£2200 $2781.02   €2654.96 Edwardian Dressing TableNimbus Antiques  Antique Mahogany Tea Table  Antique Mahogany Tea TableBarnhill Trading Co.
Victorian Mahogany Sofa£3000.00 $3792.3   €3620.4 Victorian Mahogany SofaPeppermill Antiques Regency Mahogany Small Bowfront Chest  Regency Mahogany Small Bowfront ChestWilliam James Antiques And Interiors French  Marble Top Chest Of Drawers  French Marble Top Chest Of DrawersBury Court Antiques Regency Press£3250 $4108.33   €3922.1 Regency PressNimbus Antiques
Victorian Dressing Table£1625 $2054.16   €1961.05 Victorian Dressing TableNimbus Antiques Ladies Mahogany Kneehole Desk  Ladies Mahogany Kneehole DeskArtsoutine Arts And Antiques Biedermeier Flame Mahogany Wardrobe  Biedermeier Flame Mahogany WardrobeLedger Brothers Antiques Gents Wardrobe C.1850£1695 $2142.65   €2045.53 Gents Wardrobe C.1850Collinge Antiques
Mahogany  Bookcase /Display£1695 $2142.65   €2045.53 Mahogany Bookcase /DisplayNimbus Antiques Flame Mahogany Double Bed£495 $625.73   €597.37 Flame Mahogany Double BedJ Antiques Mahogany Chest Of Drawers  Mahogany Chest Of DrawersAberdeen Antique Centre Victorian Flame Mahogany Chest Cabinet£450.00 $568.85   €543.06 Victorian Flame Mahogany Chest CabinetSutton Antieks