Elm Antique Furniture

Found 2042 For Sale and Sold    ( 282 for sale  1760 sold )  
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George III Elm Drop Leaf Table£225 $280.51   €268.9 George III Elm Drop Leaf TableFB Antiques Early Georgian C1370 Dough Bin In Elm£585 $729.32   €699.13 Early Georgian C1370 Dough Bin In ElmPriory Antiques Pair Of Chinese Chairs£1250.00 $1558.38   €1493.88 Pair Of Chinese ChairsHarts Antiques 18th Century Elm Childs Chair£745 $928.79   €890.35 18th Century Elm Child's ChairMartlesham Antiques
18th Century Elm Childs Rocking Chair£680 $847.76   €812.67 18th Century Elm Child's Rocking ChairMartlesham Antiques Victorian Lancashire Elm Kitchen Dining Chair£195 $243.11   €233.04 Victorian Lancashire Elm Kitchen Dining ChairPrior And Willis Antiques George III Windsor Chair£875 $1090.86   €1045.71 George III Windsor ChairGeorgian Antiques Elm Georgian Childs High Chair£365 $455.05   €436.21 Elm Georgian Child's High ChairHawthornes Antiques
19th Century Chinese Elm Coffee Table£1850 $2306.4   €2210.94 19th Century Chinese Elm Coffee TableMartlesham Antiques Magnificent Burr Elm Centre Table£10000.00 $12467   €11951 Magnificent Burr Elm Centre TableLemon Tree Antiques 19th Century Elm Shelves£295 $367.78   €352.55 19th Century Elm ShelvesMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Mid Victorian Elm Windsor Chair£490 $610.88   €585.6 Mid Victorian Elm Windsor ChairGeorgian Antiques
An 18th C Elm And Oak Dough Bin£360 $448.81   €430.24 An 18th C Elm And Oak Dough BinAnthemion Antiques George III Elm Country Bureau£1250 $1558.38   €1493.88 George III Elm Country BureauPhilip Hunt Antiques Pair Of Regency Burr Elm Pedestals£1650 $2057.06   €1971.92 Pair Of Regency Burr Elm PedestalsCamden Antiques Windsor Kitchen Chair£465 $579.72   €555.72 Windsor Kitchen ChairSunnyside Antiques
Early Gate Leg Dining Table C1740£250 $311.68   €298.78 Early Gate Leg Dining Table C1740Wickersley Antiques Regency Cylinder Bureau.£6500.00 $8103.55   €7768.15 Regency Cylinder Bureau.Patrick Robbins Interiors Oriental 2 Door Cabinet On Stand.£695 $866.46   €830.59 Oriental 2 Door Cabinet On Stand.Rupert Hitchcox Antiques Chinese Elm Altar Table£1250 $1558.38   €1493.88 Chinese Elm Altar TableGeorgian Antiques
 Fine 18th Century Boarded Elm Stool R.W Symonds£450 $561.02   €537.8 Fine 18th Century Boarded Elm Stool R.W SymondsPre-1800 Antiques Edwardian Elm Beech Rocking Chair Rustic Charm£295 $367.78   €352.55 Edwardian Elm Beech Rocking Chair Rustic CharmPrior And Willis Antiques Early Eighteenth Century Burr Elm Chest Of Drawers£3700 $4612.79   €4421.87 Early Eighteenth Century Burr Elm Chest Of DrawersAndrew And Mark Hoskins Georgian Elm Oak Tilt Top Side Supper Table£445 $554.78   €531.82 Georgian Elm Oak Tilt Top Side Supper TablePrior And Willis Antiques
Antique Elm Country Arm Chair  Antique Elm Country Arm ChairMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Antique Welsh Victorian Elm Bench  Antique Welsh Victorian Elm BenchMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Early Welsh Elm Stool£110.00 $137.14   €131.46 Early Welsh Elm StoolKill And Co Antiques Childs Chair£225 $280.51   €268.9 Child's ChairNorth West Eight Antiques
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