Continental Antique Furniture

Found 262 For Sale and Sold    ( 29 for sale  233 sold )  
Housekeepers Cupboard - N2531£1250 $1558.38   €1493.88 Housekeeper's Cupboard - N2531Courtyard Antiques Continental Walnut Veneered Wardrobe  Continental Walnut Veneered WardrobeDenbighshire Antiques Pine Double Wardrobe - P3052£875 $1090.86   €1045.71 Pine Double Wardrobe - P3052Courtyard Antiques Continental Chest Of Drawers£2550 $3179.09   €3047.51 Continental Chest Of DrawersNimbus Antiques
19th Century Walnut Carved Armchairs£995.00 $1240.47   €1189.12 19th Century Walnut Carved ArmchairsSutton Antieks Continental Mahogany Chest On Chest£2600 $3241.42   €3107.26 Continental Mahogany Chest On ChestNimbus Antiques Large Carved Oak Buffet / Cupboard£595.00 $741.79   €711.08 Large Carved Oak Buffet / CupboardAthey Antiques Continental Chest Of Drawers  Continental Chest Of DrawersNimbus Antiques
Carved Bedroom Suite£1400 $1745.38   €1673.14 Carved Bedroom SuiteBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Continental Cupboard£280 $349.08   €334.63 Continental CupboardBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Painted 4 Drawer/ 2 Door Base£459 $572.24   €548.55 Painted 4 Drawer/ 2 Door BaseOld Bakery Antiques Decorative Carved Oak Sideboard£950 $1184.37   €1135.35 Decorative Carved Oak SideboardPeter J. Martin Antiques
Continental Stand£725 $903.86   €866.45 Continental StandNimbus Antiques Pair Of Bedside Cabinets£1385 $1726.68   €1655.21 Pair Of Bedside CabinetsNimbus Antiques Stunning Dressing Table£1685 $2100.69   €2013.74 Stunning Dressing TableNimbus Antiques Mahogany  Bookcase /Display£1695 $2113.16   €2025.69 Mahogany Bookcase /DisplayNimbus Antiques
Antique Walnut Dining Table SOLD  Antique Walnut Dining Table SOLDDomani Antique And Contemporary Late 19c Walnut Sideboard  Late 19c Walnut SideboardNimbus Antiques Small  Inlaid Writing Table£1295 $1614.48   €1547.65 Small Inlaid Writing TableNimbus Antiques Decorated Mahogany Armchair  Decorated Mahogany ArmchairDomani Antique And Contemporary
Mahogany Chest Of Drawers 1820£695 $866.46   €830.59 Mahogany Chest Of Drawers 1820Collinge Antiques Pair Oak Bedside Cabinets.£1065 $1327.74   €1272.78 Pair Oak Bedside Cabinets.Nimbus Antiques Pretty Painted Cane Seat / Stool - Bench£395 $492.45   €472.06 Pretty Painted Cane Seat / Stool - BenchNimbus Antiques 19th Century Rosewood Card Table£260.00 $324.14   €310.73 19th Century Rosewood Card TableSutton Antieks
Pair Of Continental Cabinets£1125 $1402.54   €1344.49 Pair Of Continental CabinetsNimbus Antiques Continental Gilt Table.£785 $978.66   €938.15 Continental Gilt Table.Nimbus Antiques Bedside Cabinets£1250 $1558.38   €1493.88 Bedside CabinetsNimbus Antiques Art Deco Bookcase£995.00 $1240.47   €1189.12 Art Deco Bookcase3 Church Street Antiques (Finedon)