Continental Antique Furniture

Found 262 For Sale and Sold    ( 29 for sale  233 sold )  
Antique Biedermeier Style Satin Birch Table Chairs£575 $716.85   €687.18 Antique Biedermeier Style Satin Birch Table ChairsFrogabilia XIXth Century Continental Console Table£1785 $2225.36   €2133.25 XIXth Century Continental Console TableNimbus Antiques Unusual Carved Hardwood Blackwood Stand C.1850£4850 $6046.5   €5796.24 Unusual Carved Hardwood Blackwood Stand C.1850Graver Antiques And Interiors Antique Mahogany Display Cabinet  Antique Mahogany Display CabinetThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
Victorian Period Mahogany Console Table  Victorian Period Mahogany Console TableNimbus Antiques C18th Marquetry Gaming Table£950 $1184.37   €1135.35 C18th Marquetry Gaming TableFernyhough Antiques Late 18th C Chippendale Style Mahogany Chair  Late 18th C Chippendale Style Mahogany ChairDomani Antiques Continental Mahogany Console Table£2350 $2929.75   €2808.49 Continental Mahogany Console TableNimbus Antiques
Antique Victorian Oak Settle  Antique Victorian Oak SettleThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Pair Of XIXth Century Bedside Cabinets£1735 $2163.02   €2073.5 Pair Of XIXth Century Bedside CabinetsNimbus Antiques Arts And Crafts Pair Of Bedside Cabinets£1385 $1726.68   €1655.21 Arts And Crafts Pair Of Bedside CabinetsNimbus Antiques Lovely Brass Grape Hod Perfect For Umbrellas  Lovely Brass Grape Hod Perfect For UmbrellasRed House Antiques
Outstanding  Mahogany Sewing Box£995 $1240.47   €1189.12 Outstanding Mahogany Sewing BoxFernyhough Antiques Continental Pair Of Bedside Cabinets In Mahogany£1585 $1976.02   €1894.23 Continental Pair Of Bedside Cabinets In MahoganyNimbus Antiques 19th Century Walnut Occasional Table£1750 $2181.73   €2091.43 19th Century Walnut Occasional TableMartlesham Antiques Exceptional Continental Burr Walnut Secretaire  Exceptional Continental Burr Walnut SecretaireNimbus Antiques
European Carved Oak Monks Bench£760 $947.49   €908.28 European Carved Oak Monks BenchGeorgian Antiques Oak Display Cabinet£625 $779.19   €746.94 Oak Display CabinetPatination Ltd Pair Of Continental Bedside Cabinets In Mahogany£1625 $2025.89   €1942.04 Pair Of Continental Bedside Cabinets In MahoganyNimbus Antiques An Arts & Crafts Carved Oak Sideboard  An Arts & Crafts Carved Oak SideboardMarvellous Furniture
Slim And Tall XIX Century Chest Of Drawers£1950 $2431.07   €2330.45 Slim And Tall XIX Century Chest Of DrawersNimbus Antiques Stunning Continental Display Cabinet - Vitrine £1750 $2181.73   €2091.43 Stunning Continental Display Cabinet - Vitrine Nimbus Antiques Excellent Continental Mahogany Console Table£2450 $3054.42   €2928 Excellent Continental Mahogany Console TableNimbus Antiques Pair Of Continental Carved Walnut Hall Chairs£295.00 $367.78   €352.55 Pair Of Continental Carved Walnut Hall ChairsPrior And Willis Antiques
An Elegant Continental Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£1585 $1976.02   €1894.23 An Elegant Continental Mahogany Chest Of DrawersNimbus Antiques A Magnificent Late 18thc Continental Walnut Wardrobe£3200 $3989.44   €3824.32 A Magnificent Late 18thc Continental Walnut WardrobePiers Pisani Antiques Pair Of Continental Bedside Cabinets £1425 $1776.55   €1703.02 Pair Of Continental Bedside Cabinets Nimbus Antiques Pine Esritoire£350 $436.35   €418.29 Pine EsritoireYew Tree Antiques Warehouse