Antique Station Wall Clocks

Found 218 For Sale and Sold    ( 12 for sale  206 sold )  
Ansonia Railway Clock£290.00 $363.17   €348.09 Ansonia Railway ClockWoodys Antiques Anglo Swiss Railway Clock£290.00 $363.17   €348.09 Anglo Swiss Railway ClockWoodys Antiques 19th Century Drop Dial Wall Clock£320.00 $400.74   €384.1 19th Century Drop Dial Wall ClockWoodys Antiques JW Benson London Station Clock£290.00 $363.17   €348.09 JW Benson London Station ClockWoodys Antiques
Cast Iron Railway Clock£950.00 $1189.69   €1140.29 Cast Iron Railway ClockWoodys Antiques Mahogany Convex Dial Wall Clock£1695.00 $2122.65   €2034.51 Mahogany Convex Dial Wall ClockGoodwin Antiques Soni Clock Co Station Clock£290.00 $363.17   €348.09 Soni Clock Co Station ClockWoodys Antiques Smiths Enfield School Clock£290.00 $363.17   €348.09 Smith's Enfield School ClockWoodys Antiques
Indian Scientific School Clock£290.00 $363.17   €348.09 Indian Scientific School ClockWoodys Antiques Dial Clock£985.00 $1233.52   €1182.3 Dial ClockGoodwin Antiques English Dial Clock By John Walker   English Dial Clock By John Walker William James Antiques And Interiors Indian Scientific School Clock£260.00 $325.6   €312.08 Indian Scientific School ClockWoodys Antiques
Mahogany Fusee Clock-Joseph Woller£685.00 $857.83   €822.21 Mahogany Fusee Clock-Joseph WollerWoodys Antiques A Norland Calcutta Railway/School Clock£350.00 $438.31   €420.11 A Norland Calcutta Railway/School ClockWoodys Antiques Station/School Clock£280.00 $350.64   €336.08 Station/School ClockWoodys Antiques Large French ATO Industrial Railway Wall Clock  Large French ATO Industrial Railway Wall ClockElmgarden
Victorian Wall Clock£330 $413.26   €396.1 Victorian Wall ClockParbold Antiques LMS Wall Clock£1425 $1784.53   €1710.43 LMS Wall ClockNimbus Antiques Large Mahogany Station Clock  Large Mahogany Station ClockShackladys Antiques LMS Wall Clock£1285 $1609.21   €1542.39 LMS Wall ClockNimbus Antiques
Rare Dial Clock.  Rare Dial Clock.The Chimes LMS Wall Clock£1275 $1596.68   €1530.38 LMS Wall ClockNimbus Antiques    