Mid Victorian Antique Wall Clocks
Found 435 For Sale and Sold ( 68 for sale 367 sold )
$2431.07 €2330.45
Oak Striking English Drop Dial Wall ClockCarlton Clocks
$423.88 €406.33
Victorian Vienna Wall ClockWoodys Antiques
$367.78 €352.55
A Small 19th C Vienna Walnut And Ebonised ClockRobert Lunn Antiques
$2861.18 €2742.75
Gilt French Striking Cartel ClockCarlton Clocks
$966.19 €926.2
Hancock & Cox, 10" Fusee Dial Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$1153.2 €1105.47
12'' Fusee Dial Wall Clock Brixton, London Maker Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks
$2306.4 €2210.94
Timepiece Brass Clock Dated C.1900 With Boer WarCarlton Clocks
Stunning Antique Walnut Vienna Wall ClockDavid Wolfenden Antiques
$610.88 €585.6
19th Century Vienna Wall Clock Two WeightsWickersley Antiques
Striking Fusee Dial Clock By W.N.Farnham The Clock Work Shop Winchester
$1178.13 €1129.37
12'' Fusee Wall Clock, London MakerSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
$342.84 €328.65
Small 19th Cent Vienna Walnut, Ebonised Clock Robert Lunn Antiques
$3553.1 €3406.04
Ebonised Giant Vienna Regulator Timepiece, Carlton Clocks
$741.79 €711.08
19th C. Twin Weight Vienna Regulator Style ClockHeydays Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
Victorian Rosewood And Mother Of Pearl Drop Dial WWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Small Victorian Walnut English Dial WallclockSturmans Antiques Ltd
$1184.37 €1135.35
Victorian 2-Weight Vienna Regulator Wall ClockBury Court Antiques
Lovely Small Antique Vienna Spring Wall ClockDavid Wolfenden Antiques
$916.32 €878.4
English Fusee Dial Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$1244.21 €1192.71
Victorian Brass Inlaid Fusee Drop Dial WallclockSturmans Antiques Ltd
$1215.53 €1165.22
Rare French Wall ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$561.02 €537.8
Vienna Wall Clock Twin WeightsWickersley Antiques
$9911.27 €9501.05
Wenzel Schonberger 8 Day Wall ClockStory Antique Clocks
$1090.86 €1045.71
12'' Fusee Wall Clock ChesterfieldSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
$866.46 €830.59
Victorian Fusee Papier Mache Wall Clock C.1870Rams Head Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
Superb Large Victorian 16" Fusee Dial ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
$1215.53 €1165.22
12'' Fusee Wall Clock, London MakerSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors