Early 20th Century Antique Wall Clocks
Found 373 For Sale and Sold ( 38 for sale 335 sold )
$654.52 €627.43
Small Oak Striking Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Large Edwardian Antique Copper Bound ClockMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
12” Dial Clock By Dyson Of WindsorBury Court Antiques
$230.64 €221.09
Smith Bakelite Wall ClockWoodys Antiques
$966.19 €926.2
Walnut Westminster Chime Three-Glass Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$2431.07 €2330.45
Antique Hamilton Inches 7 Foot Regulator ClockCullen Antiques Centre
$1433.71 €1374.37
George V Wall ClockNimbus Antiques
$1215.53 €1165.22
Slender Walnut Vienna Regulator Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$448.81 €430.24
Edwardian Marquetry & Inlaid Drop Dial Wall ClockSutton Antieks
Art Deco Inlaid Burr Walnut Wall ClockCirca 1900
$1090.86 €1045.71
Oak Westminster Chime Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$654.52 €627.43
Small Striking Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$1371.37 €1314.61
Large Post Office Dial Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$467.51 €448.16
1920s Gustave Becker Striking Wall ClockConnollys Clocks
$1028.53 €985.96
Westminster Chime Wall ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
$155.84 €149.39
Art Deco Wall ClockGeorgian Antiques
Pair Of Art Deco Dial ClocksWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
$966.19 €926.2
Oak Cased Dial Clock (England, C. 1910)Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$966.19 €926.2
Golden Oak Fusee Dial /school Clock 1910Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$654.52 €627.43
Oak 10Worboys Antiques And Clocks
£ 875
$1090.86 €1045.71
Mahogany Cased Fusee Dial Clock 1900Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$579.72 €555.72
Mahogany Cased Timepiece Dial Clock 1920Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$685.69 €657.31
Ebonised Single Weight Vienna Wall ClockAthey Antiques
$604.65 €579.62
Drop Dial Walnut Wall Clock.Limited Editions
$498.68 €478.04
Large Unusual Timekeepers Register ClockDoe And Hope
$741.79 €711.08
Walnut Wall Clock By Gustav BeckerAthey Antiques
$492.45 €472.06
Inlaid American Wall ClockAthey Antiques
Rare Dial Clock.The Chimes