Antique Table Clocks

Found 277 For Sale and Sold    ( 75 for sale  202 sold )  
Art Deco 8 Day Wooden & Bakelite Clock  Art Deco 8 Day Wooden & Bakelite ClockDeco-World 1930s Art Deco French Alarm Bedside Clock By Dep  1930's Art Deco French Alarm Bedside Clock By DepDeco-World Large And Rare 1930s Art Deco French Pink Glass An£1650 $2080.16   €1984.79 Large And Rare 1930s Art Deco French Pink Glass AnDeco-World Super Rare Machine Age Clock By Junghans Dated 193  Super Rare Machine Age Clock By Junghans Dated 193Deco-World
1930s Art Deco Blangy Chrome Desk Clock  1930s Art Deco Blangy Chrome Desk ClockDeco-World French Art Deco Streamline Bakelite Mantle Clock B  French Art Deco Streamline Bakelite Mantle Clock BDeco-World A Georgian  Bracket Clock By John Gale, London£2450 $3088.72   €2947.11 A Georgian Bracket Clock By John Gale, LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Antique Ebonised Aesthetic Mantle Clock £695 $876.19   €836.02 Antique Ebonised Aesthetic Mantle Clock Rams Head Antiques
1930s Art Deco Red Bakelite Clock By Blangy  1930's Art Deco Red Bakelite Clock By BlangyDeco-World 1930s French Art Deco Figural Clock  1930's French Art Deco Figural ClockDeco-World Rare Art Deco Mystery Clock By Jaeger-LeCoultre£1695 $2136.89   €2038.92 Rare Art Deco Mystery Clock By Jaeger-LeCoultreDeco-World James Murray, Royal Exchange London£2350 $2962.65   €2826.82 James Murray, Royal Exchange LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Art Deco Chrome And Bakelite Eight Day Clock  Art Deco Chrome And Bakelite Eight Day ClockDeco-World 1930s Art Deco French Clock By Dep  1930's Art Deco French Clock By DepDeco-World Rare 1934 Art Deco Smiths 8 Day Clock  Rare 1934 Art Deco Smiths 8 Day ClockDeco-World French Free Standing 1930s Art Deco Mirror Clock  French Free Standing 1930's Art Deco Mirror ClockDeco-World
Art Deco Onyx & Chrome 8 Day Clock  Art Deco Onyx & Chrome 8 Day ClockDeco-World Art Deco Bakelite Streamline Clock By JAZ  Art Deco Bakelite Streamline Clock By JAZDeco-World Art Deco 1930s Bakelite Clock By Blangy  Art Deco 1930s Bakelite Clock By BlangyDeco-World Modernist 1930s Clock In Chrome And Onyx  Modernist 1930's Clock In Chrome And OnyxDeco-World
Art Deco Bakelite Odeon Clock By Blangy  Art Deco Bakelite Odeon Clock By BlangyDeco-World 1930s Art Deco French Clock By Dep  1930's Art Deco French Clock By DepDeco-World Large And Impressive 1930s Art Deco Mantle Clock  Large And Impressive 1930's Art Deco Mantle ClockDeco-World 1930s Art Deco Chrome Barometer And Clock  1930's Art Deco Chrome Barometer And ClockDeco-World
Verge Bracket Clock By Smith Of London£13250 $16704.28   €15938.43 Verge Bracket Clock By Smith Of LondonP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Art Deco Bakelite Odeon Clock By Blangy  Art Deco Bakelite Odeon Clock By BlangyDeco-World 1930s Art Deco English Pink Mirror Clock By Smiths  1930s Art Deco English Pink Mirror Clock By SmithsDeco-World Art Deco 1930s Jaz Bakelite Clock  Art Deco 1930's Jaz Bakelite ClockDeco-World