20th Century Antique Longcase Clocks

Found 160 For Sale and Sold    ( 32 for sale  128 sold )  
Art Deco Grandfather Clock,Longcase Clock.£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Art Deco Grandfather Clock,Longcase Clock.Fernyhough Antiques Small George V Oak Musical Longcase Clock£1150 $1482.47   €1370.46 Small George V Oak Musical Longcase ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Fine Edwardian Grandmother/Longcase Clock£965 $1243.98   €1149.99 Fine Edwardian Grandmother/Longcase ClockHeydays Antiques Very Stylish Art Deco Walnut Cased Longcase Clock £1895 $2442.84   €2258.27 Very Stylish Art Deco Walnut Cased Longcase Clock Merchant House Antiques
Burr Walnut And Walnut Elliott Grandmother Clock £1450 $1869.2   €1727.97 Burr Walnut And Walnut Elliott Grandmother Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Musical Miniature Longcase Or Granddaughter Clock£880 $1134.41   €1048.7 Musical Miniature Longcase Or Granddaughter ClockHeydays Antiques Victorian Grandfather Clock By Smith & Sons£9250 $11924.18   €11023.23 Victorian Grandfather Clock By Smith & SonsP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks 20th Century Longcase Clock By Emperor Of Germany  20th Century Longcase Clock By Emperor Of GermanyFB Antiques
Stunning Edwardian Mahogany Grandmother Longcase£1395.00 $1798.29   €1662.42 Stunning Edwardian Mahogany Grandmother LongcaseHeydays Antiques Edwardian Mahogany Musical Longcase Clock£8900 $11472.99   €10606.13 Edwardian Mahogany Musical Longcase ClockCarlton Clocks Antique Longcase Clock£985 $1269.76   €1173.82 Antique Longcase ClockMerchant House Antiques Chinoiserie Longcase Clock£2350 $3029.39   €2800.5 Chinoiserie Longcase ClockGeorgian Antiques
Truly Amazing Mahogany Exhibition Quality Long Case Clock£4500 $5800.95   €5362.65 Truly Amazing Mahogany Exhibition Quality Long Case ClockPendle Antiques  Art Deco Clock In Blackened Wood And Chrome C1930  Art Deco Clock In Blackened Wood And Chrome C1930Art Furniture Mahogany Inlaid Tubular Chiming Longcase Clock  Mahogany Inlaid Tubular Chiming Longcase ClockShackladys Antiques Swan Neck Petite Longcase£495 $638.1   €589.89 Swan Neck Petite LongcaseHeydays Antiques
Oak Grandmother Longcase (set Up Options)£795.00 $1024.83   €947.4 Oak Grandmother Longcase (set Up Options)Heydays Antiques Fine Mahogany Grandmother Longcase (set Up Option)£895.00 $1153.74   €1066.57 Fine Mahogany Grandmother Longcase (set Up Option)Heydays Antiques Small Oak Double Chime Longcase Clock £1575 $2030.33   €1876.93 Small Oak Double Chime Longcase Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Mahogany Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock German£1150 $1482.47   €1370.46 Mahogany Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock GermanWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Miniature Longcase Clock By Elliott Of London.£1195 $1540.47   €1424.08 Miniature Longcase Clock By Elliott Of London.Collinge Antiques Carved Oak Longcase Musical Clock  Carved Oak Longcase Musical ClockShackladys Antiques Oak Triple Chime Grandmother Clock (England, C. 19£1475 $1901.42   €1757.76 Oak Triple Chime Grandmother Clock (England, C. 19Worboys Antiques And Clocks 1920s 18th C Style Triple Weight Longcase£995.00 $1282.65   €1185.74 1920s 18th C Style Triple Weight LongcaseHeydays Antiques
Jacobean Style Oak Longcase Clock   Jacobean Style Oak Longcase Clock Shackladys Antiques Stunning Art Deco 5 Gong Longcase£795.00 $1024.83   €947.4 Stunning Art Deco 5 Gong LongcaseHeydays Antiques Mahogany Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock £1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Mahogany Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Early 20th Century Triple Weight Longcase£795 $1024.83   €947.4 Early 20th Century Triple Weight LongcaseHeydays Antiques