Ancient Artifacts

Found 380 For Sale and Sold    ( 112 for sale  268 sold )  
A Copper Alloy Figure Of Ganesha. Central Java.   A Copper Alloy Figure Of Ganesha. Central Java. Country House And Eastern Interiors Postumus AE Antoninianus 260 - 269 AD.£135 $173.72   €161.37 Postumus AE Antoninianus 260 - 269 AD.Cheltenham House Antiques Probus Potin Tetradrachm 279 - 280 AD. £300 $386.04   €358.59 Probus Potin Tetradrachm 279 - 280 AD. Cheltenham House Antiques Han Dynasty Hunting Scene Pottery Hu. Provenanced£795 $1023.01   €950.26 Han Dynasty Hunting Scene Pottery Hu. ProvenancedTimesAncient
North African Round Metal Water Vase£150 $193.02   €179.3 North African Round Metal Water VaseElmgarden Medieval Sword Pommel 1200-1400s£90 $115.81   €107.58 Medieval Sword Pommel 1200-1400sAntiquities And Artefacts Medieval Limestone Head 1300 - 1400s£575 $739.91   €687.3 Medieval Limestone Head 1300 - 1400sAntiquities And Artefacts Ancient Egyptian Faience Shabti£795 $1023.01   €950.26 Ancient Egyptian Faience ShabtiCurious Antiques
Copper Alloy Seated Figure Buddha Europe Fashion£3000 $3860.4   €3585.9 Copper Alloy Seated Figure Buddha Europe FashionCountry House And Eastern Interiors Shipwreck African Slave Trade Manilla Currency£75 $96.51   €89.65 Shipwreck African Slave Trade Manilla CurrencyTimesAncient Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing,12thc£1750 $2251.9   €2091.78 Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing,12thcCountry House And Eastern Interiors Roman Military Tile 20th Legion£265 $341   €316.75 Roman Military Tile 20th LegionAntiquities And Artefacts
Medieval Horse Pendant £145 $186.59   €173.32 Medieval Horse Pendant Antiquities And Artefacts Large 15th - 16th Century Carved Head Of Mary£575.00 $739.91   €687.3 Large 15th - 16th Century Carved Head Of MaryAntiquities And Artefacts Bronze Age English Palstave Axe Head.£295 $379.61   €352.61 Bronze Age English Palstave Axe Head.Antiquities And Artefacts Bronze Age Ceremonial Stone Macehead£185 $238.06   €221.13 Bronze Age Ceremonial Stone MaceheadTimesAncient
Roman Eros Cameo Silver Ring£320 $411.78   €382.5 Roman Eros Cameo Silver RingAntiquities And Artefacts Ancient Near East Bronze Snake-head Bracelet£125 $160.85   €149.41 Ancient Near East Bronze Snake-head BraceletTimesAncient Ancient Roman Glass Cosmetics Flask £185 $238.06   €221.13 Ancient Roman Glass Cosmetics Flask TimesAncient Large Luristan Iron-age Bronze Garment Pin£95 $122.25   €113.55 Large Luristan Iron-age Bronze Garment PinTimesAncient
Greek Female Kore Statue £250 $321.7   €298.83 Greek Female Kore Statue Antiquities And Artefacts Medieval Grotesque Stone Heads 1300 -1400s£1250 $1608.5   €1494.13 Medieval Grotesque Stone Heads 1300 -1400sAntiquities And Artefacts Limoges Medieval Knight Buckle Plate£220 $283.1   €262.97 Limoges Medieval Knight Buckle PlateAntiquities And Artefacts Antique Ancient Roman Strap Or Belt Mount (5138)£38 $48.9   €45.42 Antique Ancient Roman Strap Or Belt Mount (5138)Antiquarius
Anglo Saxon Gold And Garnet Pendant £1150 $1479.82   €1374.6 Anglo Saxon Gold And Garnet Pendant Antiquities And Artefacts 16th - 17th Century White Clay Figure Virgin Mary£265.00 $341   €316.75 16th - 17th Century White Clay Figure Virgin MaryAntiquities And Artefacts Gothic Missal Box   Gothic Missal Box Brian Knapp Antiques Antique Ancient Viking Norse Bronze Bracelet 5135£110 $141.55   €131.48 Antique Ancient Viking Norse Bronze Bracelet 5135Antiquarius