Art Deco Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories

Found 307 For Sale and Sold    ( 62 for sale  245 sold )  
Vintage Art Deco Crinoline Lady Powder Compact£49 $61.94   €59.13 Vintage Art Deco Crinoline Lady Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Art Deco Enamel Powder Compact  Vintage Art Deco Enamel Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Guilloche Enamel Powder Bowl  Art Deco Guilloche Enamel Powder BowlLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Silver Guilloche Powder Compact£275 $347.63   €331.87 Art Deco Silver Guilloche Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques
Rare French Deco Djer-Kiss Nymph Compact£95 $120.09   €114.65 Rare French Deco Djer-Kiss Nymph CompactLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Gwenda Galleon Powder Compact£74.00 $93.54   €89.3 Vintage Gwenda Galleon Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Gwenda Crinoline Lady Compact£98 $123.88   €118.27 Art Deco Gwenda Crinoline Lady CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Ceramic Pierrot Powder Bowl£95 $120.09   €114.65 Art Deco Ceramic Pierrot Powder BowlLavender Hill Antiques
Art Deco Bathing Beauty Powder Bowl£89 $112.5   €107.41 Art Deco Bathing Beauty Powder BowlLavender Hill Antiques Yellow Guilloche Enamel Silver Compact£235.00 $297.06   €283.6 Yellow Guilloche Enamel Silver CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Atomizer£98 $123.88   €118.27 Art Deco AtomizerAfonwen Antique Centre Art Deco Guilloche Silver Enamel Compact£280 $353.95   €337.9 Art Deco Guilloche Silver Enamel CompactLavender Hill Antiques
Vintage Art Deco COTY Powder Compact£145.00 $183.29   €174.99 Vintage Art Deco COTY Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Silver Guilloche Enamel Compact  Vintage Silver Guilloche Enamel CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Morocco Leather Handbag£60.00 $75.85   €72.41 Art Deco Morocco Leather HandbagDoe And Hope Vintage Art Deco Enamel Powder Compact£85.00 $107.45   €102.58 Vintage Art Deco Enamel Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques
Art Deco Silver Guilloche Enamel Compact£245.00 $309.7   €295.67 Art Deco Silver Guilloche Enamel CompactLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Paragon Fox Art Deco Umbrella   Vintage Paragon Fox Art Deco Umbrella Artsoutine Arts And Antiques Silver Guilloche Enamel Powder Compact£295.00 $372.91   €356.01 Silver Guilloche Enamel Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques French Deco Dressing Table Set  French Deco Dressing Table SetAntiques Affair
Vintage Art Deco Mondaine Powder Compact  Vintage Art Deco Mondaine Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Silver Compact  Art Deco Silver CompactAnn's Tiques Unique Vintage Vintage Gwenda Foil Compact  Vintage Gwenda Foil CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Silver Vanity Set  Art Deco Silver Vanity SetArtsoutine Arts And Antiques
Silver & Enamel Powder Compact£295.00 $372.91   €356.01 Silver & Enamel Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Perfume Bottle Set£195.00 $246.5   €235.33 Art Deco Perfume Bottle SetLavender Hill Antiques Silver Enamel Perfume Bottle£165.00 $208.58   €199.12 Silver Enamel Perfume BottleLavender Hill Antiques  