Early 20th Century Antique Textiles and Embroidery

Found 164 For Sale and Sold    ( 26 for sale  138 sold )  
V.Large Netherlands WWII Vintage Flag£200.00 $253.1   €241.08 V.Large Netherlands WWII Vintage FlagDoe And Hope Large Vintage Appliqué Union Jack Flag£195.00 $246.77   €235.05 Large Vintage Appliqué Union Jack FlagDoe And Hope Appliqué WWII Period Australian Flag£185.00 $234.12   €223 Appliqué WWII Period Australian FlagDoe And Hope Edwardian Embroidered Bedspread  Edwardian Embroidered BedspreadTextiles And Stuff
Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920£75.00 $94.91   €90.41 Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920Doe And Hope Large Vintage Union Jack Flag C.1920-40£90.00 $113.9   €108.49 Large Vintage Union Jack Flag C.1920-40Doe And Hope Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920£65.00 $82.26   €78.35 Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920Doe And Hope Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920£40.00 $50.62   €48.22 Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920Doe And Hope
Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920£30.00 $37.97   €36.16 Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920Doe And Hope Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920£35.00 $44.29   €42.19 Vintage British Union Jack On Pole 1920Doe And Hope British Printed Union Jack Flag C.1920£50.00 $63.28   €60.27 British Printed Union Jack Flag C.1920Doe And Hope Antique British Printed Union Jack Flag£80.00 $101.24   €96.43 Antique British Printed Union Jack FlagDoe And Hope
Dean’s Rag Book Framed Doll’s Head C1910£95.00 $120.22   €114.51 Dean’s Rag Book Framed Doll’s Head C1910Doe And Hope British Vintage Printed Union Jack Flag£60.00 $75.93   €72.32 British Vintage Printed Union Jack FlagDoe And Hope British Printed St Georges Cross Flag£55.00 $69.6   €66.3 British Printed St George's Cross FlagDoe And Hope Early 20thC British Royal Standard Flag£60.00 $75.93   €72.32 Early 20thC British Royal Standard FlagDoe And Hope
Cotton British Swallowtail Flag C.1920£50.00 $63.28   €60.27 Cotton British Swallowtail Flag C.1920Doe And Hope British Vintage Printed Union Jack Flag£60.00 $75.93   €72.32 British Vintage Printed Union Jack FlagDoe And Hope Royal Navy White Ensign Flag C.1920£40.00 $50.62   €48.22 Royal Navy White Ensign Flag C.1920Doe And Hope Large Banner Cotton Fabric C.1910-30£70.00 $88.59   €84.38 Large Banner Cotton Fabric C.1910-30Doe And Hope
Huge British Royal Navy Red Ensign Flag£245.00 $310.05   €295.32 Huge British Royal Navy Red Ensign FlagDoe And Hope Tankard Tape And Thimble Case  Tankard Tape And Thimble CaseTextiles And Stuff Vintage Thimble Case In Basket Work£34 $43.03   €40.98 Vintage Thimble Case In Basket WorkTextiles And Stuff Chinese Silk Embroidered Picture  Chinese Silk Embroidered PictureMansion House Antiques