Late 19th Century Antique Rocking Horses

Found 26 For Sale and Sold    ( 5 for sale  21 sold )  
Primative Rocking Horse£140 $175.32   €168.04 Primative Rocking HorseHutton-Clarke Antiques Victorian Rocking Horse£550 $688.77   €660.17 Victorian Rocking HorseNewark Antiques And Interiors Antique Painted Miniature Wooden Rocking Horse£75 $93.92   €90.02 Antique Painted Miniature Wooden Rocking HorseLucian Linnell Vintage Large Hand Painted Folk Art Rocking Horse, C1890£645 $807.73   €774.19 Large Hand Painted Folk Art Rocking Horse, C1890Curious Antiques
 Large Rocking Horse£495 $619.89   €594.15 Large Rocking HorseYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Antique Dapple Grey Rocking Horse£695 $870.35   €834.21 Antique Dapple Grey Rocking HorseRams Head Antiques A Victorian Rocking Horse£350 $438.31   €420.11 A Victorian Rocking HorseWickersley Antiques Late 19thC Folk Art Painted Wooden Rocking Horse  Late 19thC Folk Art Painted Wooden Rocking HorseHarrington Antiques
19thC Painted & Horse Hide Rocking & Pull Horse£1600.00 $2003.68   €1920.48 19thC Painted & Horse Hide Rocking & Pull HorseDoe And Hope Old Toy Horse  Old Toy HorseKadensek And Ward Late 19thC/Early 20thC Collinson Rocking Horse£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Late 19thC/Early 20thC Collinson Rocking HorseChurch Street Antiques Rocking Horse Rare Large Victorian Pony Skin Beech£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Rocking Horse Rare Large Victorian Pony Skin BeechCloverleaf Home Interiors
F H Ayres Extra Carved Rocking Horse£3250 $4069.98   €3900.98 F H Ayres Extra Carved Rocking HorseRocking Horse Elite Large Rocking Horse £390.00 $488.4   €468.12 Large Rocking Horse Offbeat Interiors Late 19thC Rocking Horse By F.H. Ayres£2450 $3068.14   €2940.74 Late 19thC Rocking Horse By F.H. AyresChurch Street Antiques Antique Rocking Horse By SWAN£2750 $3443.83   €3300.83 Antique Rocking Horse By SWANRocking Horse Elite
Rocking Horse Lines£490 $613.63   €588.15 Rocking Horse LinesRocking Horse Elite G & J Lines Antique Bow Rocking Horse£1800 $2254.14   €2160.54 G & J Lines Antique Bow Rocking HorseRocking Horse Elite Antique Victorian Rocking Horse On Oak Base£365 $457.09   €438.11 Antique Victorian Rocking Horse On Oak BaseLoveday Antiques Ltd Rocking Horse Victorian Childs Original Cond£695 $870.35   €834.21 Rocking Horse Victorian Child's Original CondCloverleaf Home Interiors
F H Ayres Rocking Horse EXTRA CARVED£3450 $4320.44   €4141.04 F H Ayres Rocking Horse EXTRA CARVEDRocking Horse Elite Austrian Painted Oak Carousel Horse Circa 1900£800.00 $1001.84   €960.24 Austrian Painted Oak Carousel Horse Circa 1900Antiquesbydesign Rocking Horse For Restoration£295 $369.43   €354.09 Rocking Horse For RestorationCourtyard Antiques F. H Ayres Extra Carved Rocking Horse£2100.00 $2629.83   €2520.63 F. H Ayres Extra Carved Rocking HorseRocking Horse Elite
Antique Bow Rocking Horse By Lines£3995.00 $5002.94   €4795.2 Antique Bow Rocking Horse By LinesRocking Horse Elite antique£2950.00 $3694.29   €3540.89  Rocking Horse Elite    