20th Century Antique Toys

Found 675 For Sale and Sold    ( 110 for sale  565 sold )  
A Large 1920S Dolls House£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 A Large 1920'S Doll's HouseGravener Antiques Toy Models Railway Airport Buildings Scratch Built£295 $380.28   €351.55 Toy Models Railway Airport Buildings Scratch BuiltCloverleaf Home Interiors Pedal Car. Circa 1950’s, Large In Size.   £750 $966.83   €893.78 Pedal Car. Circa 1950’s, Large In Size. Antiques & Chic Pedal Car. Circa 1950’s.   £750 $966.83   €893.78 Pedal Car. Circa 1950’s. Antiques & Chic
Georgian Style Vintage Dolls House£780 $1005.5   €929.53 Georgian Style Vintage Dolls HouseOffbeat Interiors 20th Century Toy Acrobatic Rocking Painted Tin Pla  20th Century Toy Acrobatic Rocking Painted Tin PlaElmgarden Wooden Slat Metal Frame Sledge£65 $83.79   €77.46 Wooden Slat Metal Frame SledgePeppermill Interiors Xmas Present Idea. Rocking Horse, Full Size. £1195 $1540.47   €1424.08 Xmas Present Idea. Rocking Horse, Full Size. Antiques & Chic
A 1920s Wooden Rocking Horse  A 1920s Wooden Rocking HorseElmgarden Antique Lines Sporti In Custom Tack£1500 $1933.65   €1787.55 Antique Lines Sporti In Custom TackRocking Horse Elite Vintage Wooden Rocking Horse   Vintage Wooden Rocking Horse Eras Of Style Folk Art Scratch Built Ship Model Original Paint £145 $186.92   €172.8 Folk Art Scratch Built Ship Model Original Paint Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Nansen Design, Polar Explorer’s Supplies Sledge  Nansen Design, Polar Explorer’s Supplies SledgePaul Hardy Antiques Vintage Copy Of An American Ice Cream Pedal Tricycle  Vintage Copy Of An American Ice Cream Pedal TricycleElmgarden Antique Clear The Lines Fairground Game£350.00 $451.19   €417.1 Antique Clear The Lines Fairground GameMad House Oldies George V Rocking Horse By Lines Bros£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 George V Rocking Horse By Lines BrosWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
Antique Armand Marseille 518 / 9k Doll 23" Tall£175 $225.59   €208.55 Antique Armand Marseille 518 / 9k Doll 23" TallRetropolis Antiques & Vintage French Singing Bird Automaton In Brass Cage£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 French Singing Bird Automaton In Brass CageS W Muggeridge Antiques The Changing Of The Guard At Buckingham Palace£1475 $1901.42   €1757.76 The Changing Of The Guard At Buckingham PalaceAntiques & Chic Vintage Toy Tricycle Pedal Hor  Vintage Toy Tricycle Pedal HorElmgarden
Dapple Grey Wooden Rocking Horse 1900£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Dapple Grey Wooden Rocking Horse 1900Trade Antiques DOLLS IN A WINE BOX!---Collectors Item!?£35 $45.12   €41.71 DOLLS IN A WINE BOX!---Collectors Item!?Those Were The Days Carved Wood Horse Sculpture  Carved Wood Horse SculptureHavard And Havard Who Wants A ROLLS ROYCE??£50 $64.46   €59.59 Who Wants A ROLLS ROYCE??Those Were The Days
Rubber Pinocchio Squeaky Toy By Ledraplastic Italy  Rubber Pinocchio Squeaky Toy By Ledraplastic ItalyFounders Antiques A French Singing Bird Automaton Birdcage£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 A French Singing Bird Automaton BirdcageS W Muggeridge Antiques Rare 1964 Dinky Toys 234 Ferrari Racing Car£375 $483.41   €446.89 Rare 1964 Dinky Toys 234 Ferrari Racing CarArthur Vandyk Antiques Vintage Toy Wooden Blocks£48 $61.88   €57.2 Vintage Toy Wooden BlocksPark Lane Antiques