20th Century Antique Toys

Found 676 For Sale and Sold    ( 111 for sale  565 sold )  
A Vintage Painted Dolls House£375.00 $483.41   €446.89 A Vintage Painted Dolls HouseOffbeat Interiors Noahs Ark With Animals  Noah's Ark With AnimalsJohn Howkins Antiques Unusual Vintage Collapsible Dolls House U981  Unusual Vintage Collapsible Dolls House U981Prichard Antiques Early 20thC Lines Of London Rocking Horse£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 Early 20thC Lines Of London Rocking HorseChurch Street Antiques
Vintage Shop Counter Display Teddy Bear.£350 $451.19   €417.1 Vintage Shop Counter Display Teddy Bear.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Large 23 Inch Chad Valley Golliwog Doll £40 $51.56   €47.67 Large 23 Inch Chad Valley Golliwog Doll Alan Eady Antiques Large Primitive Oil-Cloth Hand-Stitched Doll C1900£380.00 $489.86   €452.85 Large Primitive Oil-Cloth Hand-Stitched Doll C1900Doe And Hope Tin Plate Horse By Mobo£175 $225.59   €208.55 Tin Plate Horse By MoboTerrier Antiques
Triang Tin Truck£150.00 $193.37   €178.76 Triang Tin TruckKnot And Grain Antiques Antique Bisque-Head Alt, Beck & Gottschalck Doll£120.00 $154.69   €143 Antique Bisque-Head Alt, Beck & Gottschalck DollSlades Antiques Early 20th Century Rocking Horse By Lines Brothers  Early 20th Century Rocking Horse By Lines BrothersElmgarden Large Vintage Pond Yacht  Large Vintage Pond YachtKadensek And Ward
Rare American Leather Doll By Gussie Decker C.1903£595.00 $767.01   €709.06 Rare American Leather Doll By Gussie Decker C.1903Doe And Hope Rocking Horse SOLD£1245 $1604.93   €1483.67 Rocking Horse SOLDPark Antiques Traditional Shove Hapenny Game Board£78 $100.55   €92.95 Traditional Shove Ha'penny Game BoardCourtyard Antiques Antique Chad Valley Snow White & Seven Dwarfs 1930£210 $270.71   €250.26 Antique Chad Valley Snow White & Seven Dwarfs 1930Dragonfly Antique
Unrestored 1950s Tri-ang  Pedal Car Original Paint  Unrestored 1950s Tri-ang Pedal Car Original PaintElmgarden Dolls House Original Edwardian Hamleys London 1910£495 $638.1   €589.89 Dolls House Original Edwardian Hamleys London 1910Cloverleaf Home Interiors Childrens Original Boxed Vintage Tool Set£38.00 $48.99   €45.28 Childrens Original Boxed Vintage Tool SetMelbourne Antiques Coach Built Pre 1930s Dolls Pram.£130 $167.58   €154.92 Coach Built Pre 1930s Dolls Pram.Denbighshire Antiques
Folk Art Horse  Folk Art HorseMillers Antiques Of Wooler Medium Dapple Grey Rocking Horse £1095 $1411.56   €1304.91 Medium Dapple Grey Rocking Horse Worboys Antiques And Clocks Bear On Cast Iron Wheels£345.00 $444.74   €411.14 Bear On Cast Iron WheelsOffbeat Interiors 1930s Dapple Wooden Rocking Horse £995 $1282.65   €1185.74 1930s Dapple Wooden Rocking Horse Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Retro Plastic Meccano 1960 S£155 $199.81   €184.71 Retro Plastic Meccano 1960 SArtsoutine Arts And Antiques Collinson Rocking Horse£495 $638.1   €589.89 Collinson Rocking HorseRocking Horse Elite Rocking Horse Extra Carved By WOODROW£495 $638.1   €589.89 Rocking Horse Extra Carved By WOODROWRocking Horse Elite F H Ayres Rocking Horse£3250 $4189.58   €3873.03 F H Ayres Rocking HorseRocking Horse Elite