Early 20th Century Sporting Antiques

Found 143 For Sale and Sold    ( 36 for sale  107 sold )  
Pair Of Antique Leather Riding Boots   Pair Of Antique Leather Riding Boots Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors Portly Pigeon Decoy£195 $246.11   €235.07 Portly Pigeon DecoyNook Antiques 1930s Bakelite Cricket Trophy.£165 $208.25   €198.91 1930's Bakelite Cricket Trophy.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre A Pair Of Decorative Very Long Sculling Oars  A Pair Of Decorative Very Long Sculling OarsElmgarden
Pair Of Antique Riding Boots & Trees£195 $246.11   €235.07 Pair Of Antique Riding Boots & TreesJohn Howkins Antiques A Pair Of Decorative Long Sculling Oars  A Pair Of Decorative Long Sculling OarsElmgarden Unusual Chippendale Style Revolving Cue Stand  Unusual Chippendale Style Revolving Cue StandJohn Howkins Antiques Oak Revolving Snooker Que Stand   Oak Revolving Snooker Que Stand Denbighshire Antiques
French Game Bag£110 $138.83   €132.61 French Game BagCoqueda Antiques Antique Pair Of Brass Rowing Boat Oar Locks£95 $119.9   €114.52 Antique Pair Of Brass Rowing Boat Oar LocksDeveron Jewellers Antique Leather Cartridge Case£375 $473.29   €452.06 Antique Leather Cartridge CaseJohn Howkins Antiques Indian Swinging Exercise Pine Clubs  Indian Swinging Exercise Pine ClubsTwojays Corner Antiques
Good Pair Of Mens Leather Riding Boots With Trees£175 $220.87   €210.96 Good Pair Of Mens Leather Riding Boots With TreesCarse Antiques And Restoration Early 20th Century Sports Shield  Early 20th Century Sports ShieldHobson May Collection Mounted And Cased Trout. £185 $233.49   €223.02 Mounted And Cased Trout. Middletons Antiques  Life Ring, Rowing Display, Henley Rowing  Life Ring, Rowing Display, Henley RowingElmgarden
A Burroughes & Watts Snooker Score Board  A Burroughes & Watts Snooker Score BoardElmgarden Edwardian Snooker Or Billiard Scoreboard.  Edwardian Snooker Or Billiard Scoreboard.John Howkins Antiques Edwardian Mahogany Revolving Snooker Or Billiard C£725 $915.02   €873.99 Edwardian Mahogany Revolving Snooker Or Billiard CCollinge Antiques Antique Mahogany Revolving Snooker Cue Stand  Antique Mahogany Revolving Snooker Cue StandJohn Howkins Antiques
Snooker Billiard Cue Stand  Snooker Billiard Cue StandJohn Howkins Antiques Edwardian Snooker Scoreboard C.1910.£245 $309.21   €295.35 Edwardian Snooker Scoreboard C.1910.Collinge Antiques Riley Lawn Bowl & Taylor Bowl Pair, Lignum Vitae£55 $69.42   €66.3 Riley Lawn Bowl & Taylor Bowl Pair, Lignum VitaeRod Naylor Antiques Antique Edwardian Snooker Cue Stand Rack  Antique Edwardian Snooker Cue Stand RackAntique Furniture Direct
Haslingden 9ct Bailey Cup Winners Medal 1922 - 23  Haslingden 9ct Bailey Cup Winners Medal 1922 - 23Penrose Antiques Snooker Scoreboard & Cue Rack C.1905.£495 $624.74   €596.72 Snooker Scoreboard & Cue Rack C.1905.Collinge Antiques Antique Edwardian Tennis Posts  Antique Edwardian Tennis PostsEras Of Style Cast Iron Turnstile£850.00 $1072.79   €1024.68 Cast Iron TurnstileWoodys Antiques