Edwardian Sporting Antiques

Found 26 For Sale and Sold    ( 3 for sale  23 sold )  
Leg Of Mutton Shotgun Case£950 $1199   €1145.23 'Leg Of Mutton' Shotgun CaseLeslie And Baggott Edwardian Ice Skates£30 $37.86   €36.17 Edwardian Ice SkatesPark Lane Antiques Edwardian Mahogany Snooker Scoreboard £350 $441.74   €421.93 Edwardian Mahogany Snooker Scoreboard Oakgrove Antiques An Edwardian Limed Oak Snooker Cue Stand£1275 $1609.18   €1537.01 An Edwardian Limed Oak Snooker Cue StandGravener Antiques
Pair Of Antique Lawn Tennis Posts, English, C.1910£2450 $3092.15   €2953.48 Pair Of Antique Lawn Tennis Posts, English, C.1910London Fine Antiques Edwardian Snooker Scoreboard By Thurston & Co£295 $372.32   €355.62 Edwardian Snooker Scoreboard By Thurston & CoBilly Hunt Edwardian Mahogany Riley Snooker/Billiards Scorebo£225 $283.97   €271.24 Edwardian Mahogany Riley Snooker/Billiards ScoreboWorboys Antiques And Clocks Edwardian Mahogany Billiard Cue Stand C.1910. £745 $940.26   €898.1 Edwardian Mahogany Billiard Cue Stand C.1910. Collinge Antiques
Pair Of Edwardian Leather Riding Boots  Pair Of Edwardian Leather Riding BootsSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Edwardian Cycle Stand  Edwardian Cycle StandSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Rare Pair Of Red Granite Curling Stones   Rare Pair Of Red Granite Curling Stones Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors Antiques Leather Cased Hunting Flask.Sheff.1905  Antiques Leather Cased Hunting Flask.Sheff.1905Goodwin Antiques
Pair Of Antique Leather Riding Boots   Pair Of Antique Leather Riding Boots Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Antique Riding Boots & Trees£195 $246.11   €235.07 Pair Of Antique Riding Boots & TreesJohn Howkins Antiques Unusual Chippendale Style Revolving Cue Stand  Unusual Chippendale Style Revolving Cue StandJohn Howkins Antiques Antique Leather Cartridge Case£375 $473.29   €452.06 Antique Leather Cartridge CaseJohn Howkins Antiques
Edwardian Mahogany Revolving Snooker Or Billiard C£725 $915.02   €873.99 Edwardian Mahogany Revolving Snooker Or Billiard CCollinge Antiques Edwardian Snooker Scoreboard C.1910.£245 $309.21   €295.35 Edwardian Snooker Scoreboard C.1910.Collinge Antiques Antique Edwardian Snooker Cue Stand Rack  Antique Edwardian Snooker Cue Stand RackAntique Furniture Direct English Edwardian Antique Medicine Ball.  English Edwardian Antique Medicine Ball.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Holland And Holland Cartridge Case£695 $877.16   €837.82 Holland And Holland Cartridge CaseMarket Square Antiques Croquet Hammers & Hoops£80.00 $100.97   €96.44 Croquet Hammers & HoopsWoodys Antiques Silver & Enamelled Cricket Fob/Medallion£35 $44.17   €42.19 Silver & Enamelled Cricket Fob/MedallionRecess Antiques Billiards Scoreboard  Billiards ScoreboardJohn Howkins Antiques
Pine Vaulting Horse.RESERVED CAMILLA£100 $126.21   €120.55 Pine Vaulting Horse.RESERVED CAMILLABaildon Furniture Company Ltd Edwardian Antique Vaulting Horse.  Edwardian Antique Vaulting Horse.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd    